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-3- BSS
Blance and the Speedway crowd both loved it.

Luck seemed to smile on the adverturesome redhead. Her only flat tire came near Cheyenne, Wyoming. Cram course training enabled her to change tires easily. The only situation that required remarkable ingenuity and resourcefulness was Blanche's solution to the problem of a 'toidy break'. The reason for this was simply that car loads of photographers and reporters followed her pilot car from city to city. The clear atmosphere of the western plains enabled the followers to keep them in view -- any slowdown or stoppage brought a crowd to assist. In 1910 no one ever mentioned 'rest rooms' or comfort' stops' in ANY company. Blanche and Gertrude were strolling out the riding kinks of the day in a small Western town when Blanche spied a stomach pump in a drug store window. She purchased it immediately without satisfying the curiosity of either her companion or the inquisitive druggist. Before getting underway next morning Blanche had the local blacksmith drill a hole in the floorboard between the front seat positions and install the stomach pump. The pump was a wide mouthed funnel with a long rubber hose. It provided an instant 'toidy'. On one of their jaunts they traveled without stops all day. At their arrival one of the reporters quickly and delicately informed them the location of the ladies room. Blanche and Gertrude thanked him but spent over an hour chatting with reporters and notables and taking care of other details. The anxious reporter hovered and waited. He then headed for the bar as Gertrude overheard him say, "Those dam females must have cast iron kidneys and five gallon bladders. I don't know how they did it.".

The girls arrived in San Francisco July 23, 1910 to the usual street parade, banquets and speeches of the notables. The ceremonial pouring of the Atlantic Ocean and speeches of the notables. The ceremonial pouring of the Atlantic Ocean water into the Pacific came close to a disaster. Lost luggage with the precious bottle made Blanche bribe a bellboy to get her an adequate empty bottle which she quickly filled with San Francisco tap water. No matter. No one but Blanche knew the