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dinner.     The participants were a rollcall of the pioneer flying greats—— Charles A. Lindbergh, General Billy Mitchell, General James H. Doolittle, Alexander P. DeServersky, Professor-Doctor Willy Messerschmitt, Canada's J. A. D. Mc Curdy, aircraft builder-designer Igor I. Sikorsky, Colonel Bert Balchen, U.S. Airforce Arctic explorer, The Wright Brothers, Glenn Curtiss, U.S. Brigadier General Frank P. Lahm, France's Berliot and of course the lone 
female——Blanche Stuart Scott.

In the flamboyant days of her professional exhibiton career, Blanche was tagged 'The Tomboy of the Air'.  The five foot, red haired and thoroughly forthright Blanche Stuart Scott was more than an exhibitionist.  She was an intelligent, hard-working, determined individual with the iron conviction that any woman could achieve her personal goals——the only accomplishment limit was individual desire. To answer the recurrent question "What kind of a person was Blanche Stuart Scott?".  A few quotes and interview tapes gives an insight: For the crowd who frequented hangers and air shows "I was a dirty little snob, they thought. I spoke the King's English".
How another woman regarded her: "Martin's (G. Martin) mother made him promise he'd never marry until she died. She was a very forceful person, and I had them both in a state of horror."  On the appearance of her food habits: "I had a fluttery stomach, I ate sparingly. Headwaiters didn't frighten me.  I'd order a big bowl of milk and five slices of bread..and I'd eat bread and milk. The headwaiters were horrified." Of the Wright Brothers  "They were the most disagreeable pups that ever lived."  For her travels "I wandered from Hell to Harlem all my life."  For the early plane jockeys "We made lots of money but spent it fast.  We all spent like drunken sailors. We all had sort of a fatalistic attitude——a here today, gone tomorrow feeling."

Blanche gave to advancing age no concessions. Her quick mind was exploring religions; she was busy in politics, she made occasional television appearances, she was active in a clutch of volunteer groups.