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begin-at-the-bottom unknown and working one's way slowly to national prominence?  That road seemed interminable.  Youth, an impulsive nature and a natural inclination to adventure were going for me.... there simply had to be an easier way. What was that way? The key to unlock the golden door to the future was around someplace. But where?  My memory was turned inside out.  A shining nugget dropped. It's name was Percy Mc Gargle, that masculine masterpiece.  He was one of the first men to drive an automobile coast to coast ergo I could drive an automobile. No woman had ever driven across the country. The lure of being first had me in a tingle.  Automobile ads were devored [[sic]] as if they were going out of style. Notes and comparisons were made. It was finally decided that Ford's arch rival, Willys-Overland might be the lucky one.  The details would bore interminably but it was the kind of a deal that today's high-priced, high pressure advertising executives would find their ulcers having ulcers.  For this deal in the world's coloring book I was so [[strikethrough]] happy [[/strikethrough]] thrilled I should have been colored a happy pink.

The pink faded into some black and blue as I spent several weeks in the Willys-Overland Toledo, Ohio plant in a cram course on engine care. There was also detailed instruction on tire changing.  The demountable rim hadn't been invented and changing a tire was a major operation requiring the removal of the rim.  This should have been labeled "Obstacle Course" was rugged.

For the cross-country jaunt a silver and white four cylinder stock car, Model [[strikethrough]] 38;25 [[/strikethrough]] Thirty-Eight——Twenty-Five horsepower, retail price one thousand dollars was selected.  It was, with appropriate ceremonies christened 'LADY OVERLAND!  The accessories and equipment were...two spare tires, a luggage trunk, a tent, water bottles, two five-gallon cans of gas and oil, acetylene gas for the night lamps, a compressed air cylinder for first aid to flats, tools and a block and tackle.  The block and tackle raised an immediate question.  The answer is great..really/