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It is a paragraph from the page of experience of the men who made the cross country trip. When it was found that the auto of that day [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] could not negotiate the steep grades in some sections of the West, the driver would hammer a metal stake in the ground at the top of the grade, hook on the block and tackle then bull the car over the hump. Horse work at its heaviest!

New York City was the key in the Willys_Overland Company's publicity. It was there ;that, they with great drum-beating and much fanfare, proclaimed that a woman could and WOULD drive one of their cars on the long and very rugged coast to coast trip. Would you believe that the total paved road mileage in and outside all U.S. cities totaled two hundred and eighteen miles? That "Believe It or Not" would mave [[have]] made the late Robert Ripley [[strikethrough]] rally [[/strikethrough]] scurry to his record books. To his and everyone's surprise he'd find the statement true. After the announcement of the project, luncheons and parties followed as a matter of course. Dignitaries including Mayor Gaynor of New York were the order of the day. I went through the social bubblings but all the chatter before the accomplishment left me vastly unconcerned and impatient to get started. At that time fame [[frame]], publicity and recognition were fartherest from my mind. I was absolutely and totally engrossed and immersed in the excitement and exhilaration of journey ahead. I was impatient to get [[strikethrough]] started [[/strikethrough]] going and repeated frequently, "Why all the fuss. We're ready! Let's [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] move!" The ;great take-off day finally arrived. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]]  With the blessing and promised prayers of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Mayor Gayner and the cheers of the curious we finally got underway. Gertrude Phillips, a talented newspaperwoman was to accompany me. Her chore was to create a little booklet of the trip highlights which Willys Overland later used as an advertising handout. Let me quote one of the chapters,