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I looked him squarely in the eye and very calmly and quietly said, "Mr. Curtiss, Please remove the governor from the motor. Without it I can have absolute control over the plane. That little freak incident could have resulted in an accident. Next time my Guardian Angel might be taking a 'nectar break' and I'd come down in pieces."

He hesitated, "What you say has both truth and logic. At this state of training I have some question about your ability to judge performance and distances accurately. I will not fight the validity of your contention. I consent with reservations. You must not really attempt to become airborne but just hop from one end of the field to the other."

[[margin notes]]
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"Very well, sir. I agree. Thank you." I felt freer instantly. This 'kangaroo' hopping was in a way a remarkable advantage to early [[strikethrough]] flying [[/strikethrough]] Fliers trying to master the single seater plane. Once we mastered the hopping technique it became quite useful in exhibition days. Many times promoters would book us into race tracks and ball parks...each too small for safe flying. Our 'kangaroo' training enabled us to take off on land on a folded handkerchief.

Life at the Curtiss home was delightful. The house was commandingly situated on a hilltop some distance from the field. The view was beautiful but the distance bothered me. With the mobility I learned on the recent auto trip I objected most strenuously to walking. My traveling was done on my seat--not my feet. Also I was impatient to get to the field and didn't care to dust kick enroute.  Glenn Curtiss was still in the motorcycle business so I did my persuasive best to talk him into providing one for my transportation. I guess I just wore him down. [[strikethrough]] and [/strikethrough]] He finally sent me to the factory to select one. Learning to ride was no problem but there was an unexpected complication. The machine was very heavy and was not equipped

Transcription Notes:
Unable to read the margin notes or the one insert in upper paragraph.