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She stood one step behind her husband at his left shoulder. As each of the committee approached with outstretched hand, she would quickly and quietly say to him, "Glenn the man approaching is Mr. Samuel Smith, we met him last year.  He had two sons in Yale.  When you met him he was most concerned about them, they had pneumonia."

When the man reached them, Glenn Curtiss would greet him with a smile and say, "How do you do, Sam Smith.  It's pleasant to see you again. Last time we were privelaged to talk, your sons at Yale were quite ill.  Mrs. Curtiss and I often wondered and sincerely hoped that they made a fast recovery." 

Naturally, Sam jSmith was overwhelmed at Mr. Curtiss' memory and his concern.  Just to have been remembered by the great man would have been honor enough.  To have him express genuine [[strikethrough]] concern [[/strikethrough]] interest for the boys...well. I t proved he was a great [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but humble man.  The army of men and women admirers of Glenn Curtiss grew and grew.  Everyone of them sincere in the belief that he was a great man and that it was an honor to know Glenn Hammond Curtiss. Mrs. Curtiss was not only a fine businesswoman but she was an individual of warm and open friendliness.  To ;this one might add a marvelous memory.  It made an almost unbeatable combination.  It was her business skills and keen sense of public relations that forged the growth of the Curtiss business complex.  At all times her [[strikethrough]] concern [[/strikethrough]] regard for others seeped through.  That I should ever come to regret that remarkable memory seemed an impossibility yet it happened.  It came about this way.  In October 1910 I heard an announcement that sent us into orbit. Mr. Curtiss told me we were going to Chicago for the National Air Meet and I would make my first public flight.  It could have happened if my big mouth hadn't flapped once too 

Transcription Notes:
reviewed - removed [[sic]]