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The dark mood persisted. I arrived at my hotel to find a call from my proposed husband-to-be.  He pushed hard with the opener, "You've right now accomplished everything you set out to do.  What more do you expect to do.  How much longer do you propose to keep me dangling?  Flying is nothing much that the life insurance acturaries get rhapsodic about.  What now, young lady?"  All my arguments were grounded.  We met in Detroit the following morning where business and his personal entanglements luckily coalesced.  We were married the following morning.  I was in love!  Sweet Love!  Anything and everything was great!  Wonderful!  Marvelous!. I agreed to [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] give up everything and settle down in a housewifely routine, for which I was magnificently unprepared and tempermentally unadaptable.  Sweet Dreams of youth!  The rosy path stretches into a rose petaled eternity.  How few realize that the path is rocky, difficult and somewhat like running the mile in a sea of soft marshmallows wearing hobnails.  We all try to make the dream come true. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]]  The lucky ones not only get the brass ring but crossed swizzle sticks rampant on a field of olives.  Bless'em that we all should be so lucky!

Glenn Curtiss, while tossed for a long loss very graciously accedded to the cancellation of my contract. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]]  We set up housekeeping in Dayton.  My husband was in the moderate chips.  We were not lolling in the stuff but we didn't have to call the Welfare Department the first of the month if during the prior thirty days we'd done a lot of entertaining.  I discovered I was totally unsuited for the life of bridge, telephoning, socials and social visiting.  The great big world was out there and there were things to be done that were a damn sight more important than who trumped Charlie's ace or who fell into the punch bowl Saturday at the country club.  I didn't bridge.  Booze I cared not for at all. The interests of Dayton society were a million light years from mine. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]]  I couldn't care less about bridging the gap.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed - removed the [[sic]]