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in time to see the widow stepping gingerly out of her berth. This threw me. I didn't even dream she'd have the nerve. I was also determined I'd not go through that routine all over again. I coughed very loudly, moved around and made as much noise as possible. The message got through. She climbed back in. Later she tried it again. This time I was in a nasty mood, after all, I'm not a romance hater, but assignations like any other activities should have a time and a place that doesn't embarrass, annoy or inconvenience others.  I went into my coughing and rustling set again. Back she scurried for the second time. After several attempts, each one brigging on a rush of noise and attention on my part, I knew that success had finally come my way and Cupid's darts were successfully blunted.
Don't misunderstand. I didn't want to spoil the party. I did, however, resent having my sleep disturbed by nocturnal fun and games in a railroad car.
Los Angeles,as a city, has always done things in the spectacular. It was little or no surprise to me, when we arrived to be met by the Mayor, city officials, bands, photographers, crowds, reporters plus the air Meet Officials. I was a little embarrassed when Glenn Martin came up to me. I recalled all the kidding remarks I'd made about flying when I first met him at the time of the cross-country automobile trip. I almost slipped but biting my tongue I stopped myself from calling him' Bugs! Glenn was not a notorious 'hater' and his memory of unpleasant incidents was short. He had forgotten the whole incident and greeted me most cordially, this only added to my confused embarrassment. However, there was work to be done. I did have to learn the ideosyncrasies of a different plane. I wanted to be more than sure of myself so I wanted to get at it. I devoted several days to going over the Martin plane, testing it out. I wanted to be thoroughly acquainted with even the smallest and slightest differences between it and [[? ? ]] of the other planes I had already flown