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11/28/81 Lv. Tucson :Brilliant celar day; 2:10
after lunch of Tuna Sandwich w.Tom in coffee shop

Ar. LA ~2:30
All bags -> courtesy car to La Cienega Holiday Inn
Ghislaine on top floor 1119 w picture window E. over city
Rains have stopped & air clean & cool but some streets flooded

We talked until ~6:00, then went to dinner steak & roast beef

Went to bed early : 8:45 but not so early by St. Louis & Tucson time 
Were each up at least twice in long night but never heard each other. Awoke to stunningly bright clear morning with snow on the mountains. It stayed clear, bright & cool all day.

Slept as we liked; breakfast ~ 9:00. The sidewalk beside the Inn was still completely flooded. 

Packed in order to meet Bub Fudali at airport

Last week he called Ghislaine asking for tips on going to Antarctica (had gotten none from Bill and not asked anyone else) and suggesting that we follow a friend's advice and go out to Marina del Rey for a champagne brunch. We hunted for MDR on a map on the wall and in the souvenir shop. There this woman told us it was close, we could go by bus, but we must go to the pier, not the town. We had considered renting a car, or letting Bob do it. but decided to take all baggage to Continental airlines area, check it in lockers, meet Bob at Western A., next door, & go out by bus. It all worked handsomely. Even tho our Courtesy Car was held up in traffic due to an accident. Ghislaine & Bob knew we were to go to the International desk at CAA - Not the Int. wing of airport. Ghislaine had called deBroglie & got every detail written down (luckily for me).