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Flight left at ~ 9:45.
a good view of shore. Shallow rippled sand, bay green pastures. Neat farms, sheep - clouds
Landing at Palmerston North at: my watch has stopped! very uncharacteristic.
Country airport. Mostly overcast w broken clouds.
Stepped out for pictures
On ->Christchurch. Met by Lauyou and another Rep. who offered to store things for us so we wouldn't wrestle everything into town. 
We get our issue at 2:00 PM Tomorrow; Fly out the Next AM. 
Too bad. 
Croydeu Hotel. Armaugh St. by Taxi. 
Ghislaine + I were offered single rooms at $14.00 on the 1st floor back. Bob out back in patio. But toilets + showers were upstairs + down the hall! House looked + empty. We asked to change + went upstairs to shower room (still $14.00). w. Breakfast.
We had dozed enough to be reasonably awake
Showered, changed, + to town for lunch in tiny bake shop. 
-> Catenbury Mus. + Bot. Gaudeu
Saw David Hannowfield - got great welcome. especially when
I gave him Turner's 1967 photos of A.H. and Bill 
Meseuve's inventory of items there. Talked for some time. He tried to locate Margaret Bradshaw. No answer. A colleague of his popped in to show headlines an the chch Stan about drug raids on U.S. Mail -> Antarctica. Private mail opened. Drugs found. NSF mad enough to threaten to move to Australia. 

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Bot. Garden splendid - the oldest tree planted to commemorate the wedding of the P. of wales in 1863. Yet trucks of elms, birches, pines, beech, spruce etc are immense - Look 00s of yrs old. 
Lush greens. Rhodadendrons just passed - w carpets of blossoms beneath. Pink. white tall trees. Bob said best Botanical Garden he'd seen in his life, by a wide margin. 
Dinner at the Clarendon.. where I think I went w. Susan + Annie. Peppered steak - wine too sweet. 
To bed by 9:45
Dec. 2 Wed. 
Slept at Leisure. up at 7:00 + met Bob at breakfast 7:30. 
We all ordered the grill - 2 Sausages, bacon eggs - Sausages too sweet. 
I called M. Bradshaw - made appt. for ~ 10:15
Also called Hdq. + learned we can no longer shop in chch px. 
Against customs rules. 
Another gorgeous, clear, warm day. 
Walk to Museum via garden - ~ lost our way, but fresh + lovely and full of birds. Silver eye sedge sparrow, blackbirds, queen finch. 
Got fine welcome from Margaret. She is handsome + vital. 
Told me that permission to collect the Granite H. Meteorite had probably been mailed to me. 
   My last letter describing our operation + offering to collect on behalf of N. Zealand was just what was needed. Hannowfield thanked me for it; Bradsaw thanked me for including them. She wrote a memo to Bob Thomson. NZARP and proposed they follow my suggestion. Called him + he said he had contacted Seelig + all agreed that was OK. But I wanted it in writing so annauyed to drop by his office if he would initial the memo + give it to me. He agreed. 

Transcription Notes:
[[made some minor corrections. CHCH is short for Christchurch. Some of Marvin's 'n,' 'r,', and 'h' look similar. Also, she does not always make clear spaces between words. :D {please remember to type what is written without correcting spelling or grammar} Katie 10/14]] annauyed : probably arranged [tkl]