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There followed a farce wherein Bob. Ghislaine, and I could not find one another (all 3 at once in museum). I went briefly to bird exhibit; then back to lounge just as they had left. etc. Finally met at front entrance + left for NZARP Hdq. on (near) Anmagh St. Had a rough time finding it... because it was not on Anmagh.. Just around corner.

Bob Thomseu very cordial + pleasant. Gave me my paper. I showed him my meteorite photo. But he bore the news that a [[underlined]]garage fire at McU[[?]] has[[/underlined]] caused great damage to vehicles; a helo crash at N.V.Land cramped their style, and a disabled helo at McU[[?]] makes things even worse. We hope we go tomorrow.. + get in [[underlined]]some[[/underlined]] field work. He also said Scott has found no Mets[[?]] in N.V.Land.

Lunch at golden lion sandwich room upstairs. Excellent Rye bread w[[with]] lettuce, hamd, cheese, tomato etc.

Home to collect luggage + off to USARP at 2:00. A rela real hassle getting fitted + deciding what to pack or carry. Finally got permission to have 2 bags in "hold": 1 orange, 1 small tote. Camera case has to go in "carry" bag. That means rel.little else can. At least Ghislaine + I had the fitting room all to ourselves. So it was incomparably better than last year. Finished ~ 4:50. Taxi to pub. I thought I recognized the woman driver who took me + Susan binding last time. But she denied it. I ran out to dept. store for towels, clogs, soap, lipstick while the others had 1st beer. Had beer for once -- v. good (the main preoccupation of Ghislaine + Bob). "Private club" for beer; the jail for dinner. Awful. Steak fillets thin, turned, overdone. Not enough. I bought mixed nuts on way home but could not fill up. Another stop for beer + home to bed.

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Dec. 3. Thurs. 10:45 AM take off in Here. steep climb.

We were due at [[underlined]] clothing issue at [[/underlined]] 7:45; Baggage for Hold packed by ~8:25.

We put our alrm for 6:30 - 1/2 hr to dress, breakfast at 7:00 taxi at 7:25. 

Actually we were early all around. I was awake by 5:15-- up for 3rd time in night. Ghislaine awake by 6:00. So we got up by 6:15. Breakfast ready a little early and we relaxed over coffee. Fruit toast eggs + bacon.

I found the final packing at USARP a bit of a hassle.

Completely repacked my "hold" bag + found 1 mukluk w no linens. Also, I think my bunny boots should be narrower- but none available.

Baggage out- took pictures - dressed by 9:25 + out in bus.

1st to pick up Naval personnel, hen to field. A small crowd compared to my last trip. [[underlined]] 5 USARP scientists +~ 11 Navymen [[/underlined]] / woman. We talked w her a while at the field during a wait for boarding. She directs Herc Logistics in, around, + out of Antartica. A group of the men stood around observing us + the scene. She stayed alone. She says she loves McM. Has been in chch 3 days + is ready to go back. It is so beautiful + so bright. She has had 2 or 3 seasons here already.

Buy lunch for $1.80.

By 10:55 the plane is cooling off noticeably.

5-hr flight planned.

I looked up the Every's in phone book. There they are on clifton spur. I felt the most poignant nostalgia for them in Christchurch. I saw the tourist office where she met me, + the buses on Cathedral Sq. Wore my African blouse around. She surely caught me in an emotional moment. I will surely write to her now. Christch. is [[underlined]] so [[/underlined]] lovely, I do wish I could stay longer