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[[underlined]] and [[/underlined]] wore my stuffed sleepwear. The snow beneath me felt like snow. My head & throat & feet were cold. Ghis. & Bob were lying immobile but I had to quietly twist & turn. Open my bag & take my sweatshirt & underwear around me. 

To be at ~ 10; awake until 2:00; dozed until 6:00. At 6:30 I got up. Someone across there was snoozing peacefully -- no one seemed awake. I got almost dressed before the leader came to rouse us out. As we woke up Bob said "Ursula, you slept like a baby all night; I had to twist and turn." Later, I asked how he knew: He said I was snoring gently.

[[underlined]] Sunday - Dec. 6 [[/underlined]] 

The snow tractor took us & all our gear to Scott Base where we were transferring to a truck for McM. Then our guide told us we three were to have breakfast there & then go out for the rest of our training. Quaint Scott Base; green and intimate - The same small dining room w 5 tables for 6. Help yourself to cereals & punch. Make your own toast & eggs. Wash all your dishes. Then, back to the field. But not quite. Our tractor gave out and our new guide had to go back for the big one. 

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This time it was on Crawford again for practice in sliding down slopes & arresting our fall - & roping thru the crevasses of the icefall. A gorgeous scene, a great way to finish. Too late for lunch,  but back Sunday PM in time to clean up & go to the Ships Store.

Down there there was a long line & I fell into conversation with the men ahead & behind me. One is here to count & trace seals. One in Navy was mad because he had just had his $200 radio stolen. (For which he paid $195). They joked me about having my parka stolen, which has to hang on a hook outside the shop. 

When I got in I was surprised at the merchandise. Familiar writing paper, film, ^[[games]] camera accessories, stuffed animals, T shirts, toiletries - ([[strikethrough]] no towels [[/strikethrough]] thin towels) and a big mirror for $2.00.

It was good to get to bed that night.

[[underlined]] Monday, Dec. 7 [[/underlined]]
Ghislaine was up & ready for an early breakfast a little ahead of me. So I met her in the mess hall; Bob and his new roommate came later. Afterward she tried to go back to sleep - I spent the AM in the Biology library. Wrote my 1st letter to Tom; caught up (a little) on my diary, & read some books. Gisela & Zeller came by & we had a long talk. He explained to me about the layering of Antarctic [[??]] and how