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stepped a big man in a blue NASA overall. [[underlined]] John Annexstad -- [[/underlined]] with a new beard, and [[underlined]] Ludolf - also w. [[/underlined]] beard. We greeted and swapped and handed them their beer. They've had a long, rough spring in the Allan Hills. John announced he won't go again. At least not next year. Very tired. We let them go to get cleaned up. Ludolf had 14 letters awaiting him. 5 children, each ordered to write once a week.

~ 1:30 Ghislaine & I walked to Hut pt. This time I had a flash that works (I think). So I took snaps enough of Scotts interior to satisfy myself for this time and last time. PM v. mild, 3 huge basking Weddell seals on ice. One came up thru while we watched. Strolled home and threw a party at 4:30 for the returnees & John Schutt. Dinner is early on Sunday & they had not eaten since last night. During a long very bright evening I read & read in Good Night Sweet Prince by Gene Fowler. The aging Barrymore. Bed ~ 10:30.

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[[underlined]] Monday, the 14th [[/underlined]]

V.V. hot in night. We cannot open window because it is right over Ghislaine's bed. So we stifle. But sleep fairly long hours. Awake 1/2 hour early & -> breakfast. Then -> P.O. to buy stamps for our film mailers. 

At chalet they are uncertain if we can go to G.H. tomorrow - all depends on whether they can fly to Erebus today and the sky is overcast -- spits snow now and then. But the air is v. mild. 

At 10 we went w J. Schutt to radio shack & checked out our radio and practiced using it. Then to Berg Ctr. after going over list of provisions we want for Allan Hills. Commissary not open. Met Annexstad and gave him our film in mailers. Check food cache items w them all; & went to lunch ~ 12:15.

In the afternoon Ghislaine went to Scott Base on the shuttle bus to telephone Bob. She got on the list on our last visit. At 3 PM Monday here she raised Bob at 9:00 PM Sunday in St. Louis Took him by total surprise. Gave him a general message for Tom -- all the same news plus the word that I'm sending films home and that I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] my flash is working. In the Scott B. P.O in a telephone booth where one makes ordinary phone connection for ~ 2.64 per minute. She called Bob collect.