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to write a short formal request to be given to Ken, with a map, at 8:00 AM. After a loose draft we went to biology bldg. to use typewriter. It took only 3 revisions. About then Ghislaine came in to announce that Bob Fudoli is back from NVL. We expected him Thursday.

As we walked back from Scott B. the other day the Kiwi who joined us told of nightly fishing expedition: 7:30 – 9:30 by some biologists. We have since tried to get on the list. This a.m. Ghislaine, who has been trying hard to hop aboard a flight to the S. Pole and N.V.L., got us a fishing date for tonight. At supper, however, the fisherman-in-chief came by & put it off until tomorrow. Tonight was beer supply night so we got her week's beer & I took photos of the warehouse. Had some beer with Bob & retired ~11:00.

Wed [[underlined]] Dec. 16. [[/underlined]] This was a frightful night. V. Hot. w. all the windows open our room would be ~78°f. But Gh's bed is under the window (and over the radiator) so we close the window and swelter. This is plain unhealthy. The heat – cold contrast is dreadful. Hence, today

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we will rearrange our room – somehow. AM is laundry, shampoo (for gh) time & diary writing time. Expect to hear reaction to our memo ~ noon.

At breakfast sat w Bob & Father Craddock, Chaplain, the very image of Robert Falcon Scott. He is a Kiwi and we heard their thoughts about McM. At first he called our amenities "sophisticated." We protested it was a word not used for Americans. Then he told us they call McM "Disneyland", for all the overblown meals, red tape, but lack of direct communication w home. [[underlined]] Dec.17 [[/underlined]] Lunch was a chef's special "Surf and Turf" – Lobster tails & steak. I had one tail done to perfection. Tender – juicy. After lunch checked w chalet and was approached by Ken Moulton. We had already been told by the Herc pilot for NVL tomorrow that we were on the recon flight. And he made a date for 2 PM to sit w. John & discuss routes and procedure. Ken wanted to be sure we knew that and that John would find his map in his office. Success.

Neil told me we are now scheduled for Granite H. on Sat. We can land on the ice or the shore depending on the pilot. The 2 Kiwis were coming in today but will still go w. us [[strikethrough]] down [[/strikethrough]] from McM.

After that Gh & I petitioned help from Bob & John for rearranging our room. Beds against walls -Cabinet beyond my bed. Table nr. windows. It is not convenient but was v. effective. We then

Transcription Notes:
Granite H = Granite Hill