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Berg ctr. told me his girlfriend has a Pentax & 3 lenses for sale. I decided to talk to her. She wants to sell the lot. But offered me the loan of her 80-220 (?) lens for the Allan Hills. Shall I? It would be a better deal than our 135 m adapter.

Upstairs for a quick supper - then to the [[??]] for a shampoo & cut. I have almost [[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] permant left. And I got this one ~1 month ago.

So, I'm all cleaned up w laundry, shower, shampoo. At dinner I remembered my clothes in the dryer - I rushed home (after dropping 2 letters in P.O.) and found them still wet. Put on the heat again, then to Chalet to talk w Cassie. Saw Neal, our flight is scheduled for 11 AM - pick up 2 Kiwis at Cape Evans & helo will stay w us one hour. All subject to change if [[Slaydean??]] & Erebus can be flown!

Came in & packed for flight - found I have [[underlined]] lost [[/underlined]] my photo of [[underlined]] Granite House [[/underlined]]. Last seen when I got it to show Ludolf on [[bin??]] last a.m. here! I've carried that photo all over N. Am & Christchurch & to McM. Now, the day before I fly there, it is [[underlined]] gone [[/underlined]]. Possibly I left it in the Commissary. We packed food after saying goodbye to John & Ludolf. Anyway. I know it by heart, and have shown it around freely. 11:12 PM & time to turn into a clean bed.

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[[underlined]] Saturday, Dec. 19 [[/underlined]]

We both awake early -- the Granite Harbor morning. Last evening I saw disturbing patches of blue sky over MCM; half expected to wake up to a clear morning and stand aside for flights to Erebus. But no, this AM the sky was gray and there is drifting fog over the heights. At breakfast we saw Bill Merrifield who said from the Cos Ray lab it looks beautiful to the north but socked in and ugly over Erebus way.

After breakfast I checked the Mailroom for my lost envelope & picture -- no luck. Gh had come over before breakfast to look for mail from the chch plane. We had nothing. Until Bill M. came in and found a large envelope for me from the History of Science Dept. Harvard. I.B. Cohen! He sent an encouraging letter and several pertinent Xeroxes on C.D ca 1940s-60s. Checked the Commissary & found no envelope on floor. Leslie said we have our fried chicken parts. She sat up bagging them until 7 o'clock last evening. They are in the freezer. And no envelope kicking around Thiel.

At 10:50 we were all packed, dressed, and ready to leave for Thiel for our survival bags etc. Bob noted that no helos have flown this AM. So I went back to the Chalet. We are on standby until 1:00.

At 1:00 they said 3:00, but called on the telephone ~ 2:00 to say to be on the pad in 20 minutes.

We rushed into our clothes -- had had a dress rehearsal