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[[underline]]Sunday Dec.20[[/underline]]
Slept late - layed in bed until time for brunch ~ 10:30.  Sat w John Schutt and planned tomorrows double trek to Allan Hills. He suggests that he & Ghirlaine go on 1st helo hop & get camp in order; Bob & I on second to see that all our gear is properly stowed aboard.  Sat w Bob Lingey & discussed problem of how to tell altitude on icecap -- because of the myth that the effective altitude is ~3000' higher than the true one -- how do they measure the true one.
Did another washing.  Then to Hut Pt. again ~2:00 so Bob could see it & the seals.  I took [[Crissie's?]] telephoto - -  it doesn't do much.  Today there was a jog to Hut Pt from the Chapel of Snows.  about 6 people attended.  We wonder how so few people take part in [[underlined]] everything [[/underlined]] in McM.
Packed for the trip.  Left only a few things out to wear in case of bad weather - - which looks inevitable.  Helos will not fly to the Allan Hills without clear weather all the way.  and we are overcast w traces of snow.  after dinner Bob went to buy ping pong balls so he & gh can play.  She said "Bye-bye" & took off for the evening.  It is now 11:30.  The relationship has clearly changed drastically.  

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I wasn't here last night when they left for Scott Base.  Tonight they didn't even ask me.  I try to picture myself like Mrs Rove in Brazil!  But in fact it is not at all like that.  And it didn't start like that.  One thing though, at dinner I sat next to Ken Maulton & had a genuine continuous conversation with him!  The 1st I've had in weeks.  All others are jibes w Bob or edge-in w ghislaine.

[[underlined]] Monday, Dec. 21 [[/underlined]]
Fitfull sleep, finally got up at 6:50.  went to bathroom and when I got back gh. was up & radio was on.  Weather bad for helos.  overcast and snowing a little clearly, we go nowhere today.  We got to breakfast @ nearly 7:30.  Home to letter writing.  I have done a noble job of writing my way through my long xmas list.  Did some of the big ones today: a 3 page letter to sam w. one more film stub and the copy of John Schutt's camping caution.  a long note to I.B.Cohen, one (at last) to Fritz Laive of S.I. Pren, and a precious one to Ferne Every.  I wish I had a copy but I took all mail to P.O. at lunch time.  The P.O. man said I should send N.Z. mail via Scott Base because American stamps will take it to Chch->Hawaii->chch and it takes a long time.  I found our 2 Kiwi historians, who had been lunching in the galley and were just leaving -- gave a note to Ferne Every and one to Margaret Bradshaw to them plus 40c for postage
P.M. more writing until ghislaine came in 

Transcription Notes:
code not find alt code for cent symbol so just used c