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[[underlined]] December 26 [[/underlined]]

Another almost windless morning but overcast. T ~ 10°f most all day. This was another gravity-measuring day. We got a somewhat late start because John's Skidoo wouldn't perform -- needed a repair that ended in a 10:00 coffee break. I found I needed an extra pr. of socks and another layer up top. Added my jogging shirt to my issue underwear & down sleepwear & red wool sweater & red stuffed vest & parka. That did it. We began the day riding west to the broad ice fields & measuring gravity at 7 stations out there. John & Ludolf put them very far apart. I read both altimeters today. We had lunch at one stop - crumbling bread & cheese. Gorp, peppermint chocolate Hot water. I was not a bit hungry but felt I should eat.

Then we fanned out & traversed an icefield leading to Battlements Nunatak. Found meteorite out there. My 1st a possible ochondrite just like one John S. found there last year. My 2nd was a broken pair, weathered to extent it was almost unident. or a meteorite. Bob claimed it as just grundage .. Says it not a met. We found several in the single traverse -- flagged them for later collection.

Meanwhile it began rather cold, especially climbing the slopes. Then it got milder but snowed a little. The ice was singing sometimes

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under our snowmobile. Sastrugi pretty rough. As we rode east again [[underlined]] around end of  Man Haul Bay [[/underlined]] and put 3 stations on bedrock. Also had some trouble w. icy slopes where we couldn't steer. Twice I swiveled 90[[degree symbol]]. Once John rode his own Skidoo out of a swale; walked back, partly ^[[sprawling]] on back, and then drove Gh's out just to see if our troubles were due to poor technique or poor steering facilities. They were poor technique. Then he drove mine out w me sitting on back. Great technique. We did 38 miles today in all -- got home ~ 5:15. As we rode toward camp - within easy sight John tested us by hanging back to see if we would rescue a stricken comrade. Gh. noticed 1st & then went back to him. I came almost to camp - then looked & saw 3 skidoos coming. Presumably that was bad form.

Had a mixed dinner -- I fried Can. Bacon & a beef pattie along w all the veg. leftover of 2 nights. Gh had 2 lobster tails -- much spirited conversation until 10:45. The wind has come up from the South & we are colder. 1st wind I've seen. [[Kat??]] - blowing off the pole because marine-related clouds which hold it off are gone. We wonder if we will go out tomorrow.