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[[underline]] Wednesday. December 30 [[/underline]]
This morning the wind was blowing. It shook the tent and set up a resonance I could feel in my sleeping bag. Lovely. We can sleep and sleep and luxuriate at least until noon. And the antarctic South wind sailed down the icecap. We lay in our deep down mummy bags until ~ 10:15 when Gh got up for an indoor toilet thing didn't want to talk because she intended to sleep again. I turned over. Lovely & warm; lovely and private. By 11:30 or so I started the stove & we both roused out for coffee & breakfast. I had oatmeal and we both had beef patties with melted cheese and bread. It was truly roaring. A quick trip to the next tent meant being plastered w. snow .. every inch. Then we declared a bathing & laundry day. Lovely sponge bath w Yardley's soap. A wash of underwear which are now hanging on the sofa above our head. In the ^[[early]] afternoon John dropped by to ask how we are. We said "Fine, we've had our showers and are doing the laundry." But he had to help shovel out our 
entrance as snow is packed in front & on all sides. I decided to fill the stove w. fuel just outside our entrance. In a trice 2 stoves were packed w. snow and our fuel can must be buried somewhere. I grabbed both stoves, the funnel. 
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a new fuel can, & the screwdriver and rushed to the middle tent. Saw Bob mucking around at a green-covered sledge but didn't hail him. Wind too high - snow blowing too hard. In tent I spent ~ an hour wiping stoves dry & trying to de-ice them. Filled both, neither would close so I Put each one in a toilet bag and rushed home. Gh assumed I had been visiting in other tent I took so long. A chilly, drafty PM. Hung up our spare blankets for extra protection. Bean & bacon soup ~ 4:30 - skotch ~ 5:30. corned beef & macaroni & cheese on the fire. (Both stoves work!) All in one mixture of glop on bread. 
then 2 slices of bread & peanut butter. By 6:00 the wind had diminished and the sun was out. After supper gh went out & found Bob in a dither. He could not locate the 2nd case of booze! Together they searched and failed.  We are here with 2 Tanqueray gins, 1 Benedictine, & 1 Wild Turkey! A case of Johnny Walker Red was left somewhere.  The 2 most important items - - the Skotch and the Brown Tote Bag— - We lost in the shuffle.  John drinks nothing; I would be willing to, and Bill is coming. He must be in Christchurch tonight. To bed again at 10:00.
Started reading To The Lighthouse...enjoy it. This PM where the drafts were coming through the tent we made cover for ourselves of our space blankets. They helped. Talked of French families in science. MN Christophe & her cultured husband. Laugenni and his career.