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on foot -- mostly -- among rocks of a morainal area. It was very confusing because of the presence of coal & black shale. But I found one weathered stone & John one questionable one. Gh & Bob found ~3. As we searched, rather far apart, we heard a helo put-put-putting over the hills. John was already going toward camp to ask via radio where it was. Bob & Gh raced to camp. I roared off to Bill who was quite a way off. This time I suggested he drive & I ride on back. It worked very well. 
The 2nd helo had the men for Man Haul Bay & it had Bill's snowmobile slung below. We stood about & watched it -- also gave it our toilet refuse to retrograde. It goes I don't know where. After helo departure we all went back for a "systematic" walk thru the moraine. Results - negative. Home ~ 5:15. Gh & I invited Bill for dinner. He had a bottle of Chivas ^[[Chivas]] & suggested we 5 have a cocktail hour together. However, 5 could barely sit in a tent & we wanted time to [[?]] out our gear, food etc. ahead of time. So Bill came to us w. his bottle after showing it [[??]] Bob & John & we had steak, noodles, asparagus 

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& [[underlined]]  wine [[/underlined]]. My brown bag contained a bottle of Gewurtztraminer. I bought it in McM & tried to store it there but Bob received it from the cage thinking it was Annexstads (?). In any case it was lovely to have this evening -- it obviated all need for dessert. Had a good talk w Bill. Learned that he will occupy his small tent but eat w. us in turn. Not cook for himself. We contended he can come w us every 2nd night but not breakfast. He should take breakfast w Bob & John. It is a beautiful night w a light wind & snow scudding southward across the ice. 11:05. PM

[[underlined]] Friday, January 8 [[/underlined]]
By morning that light wind was a gale. We slept in. I was awake for hours but dreaded going to privy tent so put off having coffee & oatmeal until ~ 11:30. Hard gusts, snow drifting: exciting. We heated water and washed undies again but I may not do a sponge bath -- am used to being as is. Hot & dry w messy bands but [[plus/minus sign]] OK. At 10:30 or so I heard a skidoo lv. camp -- probably John for surveying in meteorites. I think it just came back ~ 1:50. But w wind blowing, tent flapping, stove roaring I'm not sure. We wonder how Collinson & Hammer are enjoying Man Haul Bay ^[[11:20 PM]] It was not John after all. It was Bill just out to get some ice. The blast kept on all day. We had a