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crashed into a bridge over the Potomac at D.C. and plunged thru the ice with about 78 casualties & 5 survivors (who were so cold they had their bones set without feeling a thing.) a kidnapped Army general, Israel demanding Egypt keep some islands off Aquaba, stocks down, GM gaining labor concessions in return for price drops -- She told me the man must have been Lt. Trant.

Grace came in & we had a lovely talk. I thanked her for retrieving my tote bag. She got my note and went to work. Asked every person working on helo pad, then went to report the loss to Neil Terry. Neil pointed to my bag on the floor beside his desk. It was stowed on a helo that went out for the day & returned by that party when they came in. 

I gave her my sleeping bag & crampons & asked for my penguin laundry bag from the cage. Told her all about our meteorite season. She was so nice & interested. Came back when I was receiving supper & brought my bag.  Said she would come again tomorrow.

I called Lt. Trant and, indeed, he is the man who sent my message. I told him what a spectacular success it was. Demanded to pay 

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my bill. After some discussion he promised to come in tomorrow P.M. & render his bill. 

This late pm & evening my leg is aching terribly in the cast. It cannot get comfortable - I will surely need aspirin tonight.

[[underlined]] Sunday, January 17 [[/underlined]]

I surely did need aspirin. I took two of them about midnight, then put on my face mask and the combination put me right to sleep. Slept until 7:00 when a tiny alarm went off. It was the wrist watch of another patient who came in last night to sleep.

At 7:30 Mr Stover came in to say he would get me breakfast ~ 8:00. This is Sunday. Stover is so different from the others. He is black and full of fun and anxious to be helpful. He came on shift at 9:40, walked right up to the bed & said, "Hi, I'm [[wavy line]] Stover & I'm going to be keeping you company." He is the only one who gave me his name or addressed me so directly. When I started to get up, which I was just about to do, he helped me out of bed, walked ahead of me & cleared out all the possible barriers in my path to the bathroom. Later he brought a blanket, altho I preferred my puffy down clothes. He went all out to arrange pillows under my cast