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to get me as comfortable as possible. Asked if I had a firearm; when he saw my [[?]] -- I might want to shoot it somewhere.  I got up in the night without calling him -- I can manage pretty well.
On my breakfast tray he thought to place 2 napkins -- the 1st I've seen, -- and he filled the tray with goodies of all sorts. Before I was through the day man came an & Stover left without saying goodbye. I wanted to thank him.
It is now 10 AM & I have to plan for my last day here. The clothes I will wear, how I will pack all my stuff.. have to get sufficiently dehydrated not to need a toilet at Willey Field. Incidentally, my leg no longer aches. It is quite comfortable inside the cast - fortunately.
I wrote a letter to Bill & the rest of S.058 then began sorting things out. As it is Sunday the doctor didn't some until noon. He implied that maybe I would like to go out around town a bit. At first I had no intereest, but as my packing progressed, I got dressed -- my
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new red paisley shirt, a pair of my underpants I cut one leg off. 
Had a miserable lunch. The medic went too late & came back w 3 hard hamburgers w ~[[[plus minus]] melted cheese on top & 2 hot dogs wrapped in bacon. I ate these and my apple saved from yesterday. 
In mid - p.m. Lt Trout came by in a plaid shirt -- off duty clothes. Had a pleasant chat & he accepted $4.80 for my Xmas eve mailgram. At 4:30 a medic asked if I wanted dinner. I decided to go out to dinner. The Dr. said O.K. Another problem: Hill cargo wants my bags tonight & its not the medics job to carry our cargo over. He suggested I call a friend. Outrageous situation. In retrospect I think he meant call the Chalet. Is [[underline]]is[[/underline]] their job,
I tried ringing Gunter [[Favre?]]. Christina, Grace. No answer. This was the day of the great McM Marathon to Hut Pt & back (5 miles) twice. Grace & Karen (Ohio) ran & so did many others, 350 of them. Anyone who finished even walking, got a T-shirt.