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at the last minute, gave Stover the end of my Wild Turkey, packed up a sack of little things & a note to leave for Grace Brewer & stood outside. At ~6:00 along came the shuttle, already packed to the gills with flight crewmen. Two were already on the floor. But of course they made room for me on a seat. Mike Clark, my accompanying medic had to scruntch on the floor. We tried to leave Grace's bag at the Chalet but it was locked -- the driver offered to turn it in later. 

At Scott Base we had to change shuttles & take a much-deteriorated road to the Field. Soft ice -- new routes. We arrived about 7:00 and found the reception room packed w passengers. Strumf, Kyle, Spletsloener & all their teams. Ed Strumf gave me a front corner seat & got my boarding pass & N.Z. landing card for me. The other Medevac patient was with us -- broken elbow.

We were awaiting an 8 am flight but suddenly Mike Clark came in & told me the shuttle would take me to the galley for breakfast 

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because cargo was still not loaded & we would have a 2-hour delay. I clomped around as necessary on crutches in the snow. Very granular. Had some bacon tidbits and a mushroom & cheese omelet w milk. Spletsloener carried my tray & glass. After eating I told my medic I was going to Sick Bay for the toilet. He was "just fixing to go over there" so he went with me. The toilet issue was of much concern to me. I had seen the facilities on a Herc. & knew they were difficult to use at best -- & public. 2 cans in the back, elevated fairly high, w. a canvas that could cover you. Urinals, in effect. How to navigate & aisle & all that worried me. We sat in a small waitingroom until news came that they were about to board passengers. One more visit to toilet & we were off in the snow to the waiting room. Sat outside. An officer came up to me & explained I would board last so as to be in a spot with least likelihood of having my foot trampled by passing people.

Clark had already carried my camera & tote bag on board. I had wanted them close & supposed that would be taken for granted. Once everybody else was in, I climbed aboard