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We loaded for the hop to Auckland about 5:15. I was given a plushy seat in 1st class with sheep skins on the seat & back & plenty of left-leg room. Air clear - sun bright. V. little of view from where I sat. I did get some vistas of Auckland, however, with great green bays around it. That prompted me to ask Dave if he would like to take an hour's taxi ride to see the sights. We had to wait from ~6 00 to 10 pm.

He jumped at the idea -- our big baggage was all checked thru to L.A. -- so we approached the taxi stand. First in line was driven by an ample Maori woman. She had not had an hour's lease for years so she radioed her company. Strictly by the meter -- they said. Asking for an estimate she & a man nearby (?) thought it 

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might come to ~ $15.00/hour. We got in, asking to see the shores, bays, or whatever was practical. The beautiful sights, she said. We took off at 6:25.

5 minutes later the meter read $5.00 and I mentioned this. "I don't see that we can go far," I said. The woman switched off the meter and said it would be $15/hr. (I cited the $18.00 per hr. rate at Christchurch & she was astonished, but then must have had 2nd thoughts). I said I didn't want to get her into any trouble. She said, "No, I own this car. I have been driving for 16 years & am now trying to interest my children in driving." 8 children -- 7 sons, 1 daughter, all teenages and older, 24 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild.

She took us to a park, arranged over the slopes of an ancient volcano. (Several of these stand up around Auckland).