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P.M. Long-long discussions in Tourist Office about renting cars — renting tours, taxis, routes etc. etc. Decided nothing. Went out to CEMA store, which proved to be a kiosk in midst of median strip-park. Bought crocheted penguin. To other artisan shop — "big market opposite Cathedral on Plaza". Wandered around & finally found other bigger kiosk but here was a woolen sweater I need. Too nice for Seymour but need it here. ~$21.00 U.S. Let it await further shopping & took taxi to Instituto de la Patagonia. Open air "museum" & teaching org. part way to airport. Shrubs labeled green houses. Textile weaving (great wall hangings), pottery making (awful) "zoo" (1 puma, 2 condors, 1 hawk, foxes), Model of lst Chilean settlement, in 1840s; & colonial machinery, carts, etc. Saw big beautiful birds in field — [[underlined]] slate blue w black (sona-like) faces [[/underlined]] black & white wings, chesnut beaks & legs - they bob like spotted sandpipers. call loudly, also [[underlined]] "swallow" [[/underlined]]: gray back. white breast & rump, no bars or streaks. 

Walked across Boulevard to Zona Franca - greatest freeport complex imaginable - Useful, perhaps, but unattractive - sterile. After aimless poking about, Luis wanted refreshments so we stopped for orange crush & he had a huge sandwich. Taxi back to big kiosk by 6:15 - bought sweater. Walked to Solito's Bar for dinner. great company but unsatisf. meal. Big plates of squid in wine sauce for appetizer. V. good. Then a huge dish of crabmeat parmesan — w toast rounds and nothing else! Pisco water - wine - cafecito. Home & a walk to hilltop to overlook harbor w Jeff. Strait of Magellan! Jeff is great fun — So excited to be in S. Amer. wants to do & see everything - Stars, flowers, birds, historic sites — I regaled good audience w. tales of Conomba' & Angola at dinner — Must write it all down // 11:35 P.M.  Light rain off & on all day. ~55°

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Feb [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 8- Friday  Awoke w. the alarm at 6:45. Had agreed to meet Jeff @ 7:15. Did so & met no one else in our party. Breakfast buffet comes w meal. Not hungry. Coffee is powdered. Jeff feeling under the weather - runs at night. He had tea & bread & I had coffee, bread, prunes. Asked for coffee & waiter poured full cup of hot water, then asked if I wanted milk. Added a little milk, then went to next table to get bowl of powdered coffee. Despite all that, it wasn't bad. After breakfast loaned Jeff my peptobismol, then we went out to clothing issue place with Bill at 10. Warehouse by waterfront run by man from Cape Ann. You stand inside entrance two by two and they bring you items from shelves -- you try each one on (in public) (& taking everyone's time). The clothing issue form sent in last summer has no relevance whatever. Once issue complete, they packed it all in a canvas duffel w your name put on it & will deliver it to the Duke. After Jeff & I finished we walked over to waterfront to the Duke. Bill showed up while we on deck. Asked us to come back @ 12:30 to help him in the hold. We got the grand tour of ship from Pat Kracker & then left to change money & go to drug store. Passed bake-shop - bought rolls & a yoghurt. I had begun to have tiny cramps & didn't want to eat. Hard time finding cambio but finally did & got $132. Our colleagues got $133 same place, same day. Arrived at ship — lst on hand. Waited for Bill in the hold -- our box there, impressive as ever. Bill arrived ready to unpack every carton in an entire cargo van. As ea. box came out, I checked its no. & identity & , w. master list, wrote contents on outside. After boys got there boxes came out thick & fast until whole area full. Finished ~ 2:20 & he sent us off to go see penguins. We will make order out of the chaos on Sunday when we have a lot of people here.

The taxi driver we picked up at Zona Franca yesterday had agreed to come & pick us up at 3:00, w. larger car if more people. When we all got to hotel, Tony had arrived (!) my tentmate-to-be who missed her plane (was bumped off Air Florida) in Columbus, Ohio. Made her way to Patagonia