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Light on town = perfect from up above - walked a long way on ridge & to shore - to photog. Duke. Home past 3 supermarkets & stopped in each. Bought something ea. time! Everything but PeptoBismol which we all need, more or less. Supper ~ 8:45. Jeff & Toni have hit it off terrifically. Will play polker euchre, all sorts of cards on Island. He tried calling Ann this a.m. but no answer. Had Aves for dinner- chicken piled high w carrots & peas.

Sunday. Feb. 10

Breakfast at ~ 8:30 : tea & hot milk - wheat roll. Had diahrrea in night. Just the water, no cramps, sweats, fever, or weakness. Lost lots of fluid and have no more Pepto Bismol, so stopped it w. Lomotil -- just stopped it like a plug. Spent most of day packing & writing letters & cards. Letter to Tom & to Crabbies. Check out time was 12 - bus to boat at 3; but they let us keep rooms til 3:00. For lunch I had yoghurt, banana, water bought yesterday. Felt ± O.K. - no runs because of drug: The prescription says 2 pills 4 times a day: I took 2 in AM, two more ~ 2:00 PM & 2 more in evening. At about 2:45 carried my seven items to lobby: 1 suitcase (empty) 1 full of street clothes, 1 (pink) full of street shoes, souvenirs etc. - My canvas sack for Antarctic clothes (sack provided unofficially by Bruce at clothing issue). 1 carton of wine & whisky, camera case, brown tote bag. checked out, made reservation for Tom for 17th. As people gathered, I saw Sr. Calderon, our local agent, in crowd & explained that Tom is coming and he may contact Calderon for info on whereabouts of Polar Duke. About 3:00 a pick up truck pulled up - was loaded w sacks & sev. people sat on them for ride to Duke. Then came a huge bus & we packed

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the baggage compartment full & then climbed aboard. Walked up gangplank of Polar Duke several times, relaying luggage aboard. Toni & I share Room 411. right next to W.C.-shower-washstand room. Pat Kracher especially arranged it for us -- best site on deck. He speculated whether he should hang a [[underlined]] Ladies [[/underlined]] sign on door for 4 women. We said "No". Stayed on board rest of day & evening. Looking at birds and boats tied alongside. One huge cargo vessel - The Lolisa - from Brazil is opposite - another big Brazilian ship behind us. Dinner on board - green salad (!) which we finally decided to eat, barbecued chicken, broccoli - stayed outside looking at scene - wrote postcards but too sleepy to finish. In bunk ~ 11:00.

[[underlined]]  Monday: Feb. 11 [[/underlined]]  The big day! up for breakfast ~ 7:30 -- feeling a bit odd. Glad to see cereal & milk & juice, but right in midst of eating I felt stomach might rebel. Quickly deposited dishes in sink and took off. Felt well enough to finish cards but thought I would stay on ship. Yet, when Jeff came by ready to go and mail letters I decided I would like the walk. I'm sure it was a good thing to do. Strolled to post office with letters for Tom & Crabbies & cards for Eliz. Bushett, Gayl, Cam, Julie, Eliz Mayer, Madalyn. Letter to Scotland cost 15 P. more than to U.S.A. - Stopped at Pharmacy to try for charcoal pills. found them at a second pharmacy after Mark Eichenbeger dropped into store speaking easy Spanish. Back to boat ~ 10:00. Sailing scheduled for 11 but no activity aboard at all at 10:40 except Pat Kracher collecting passports & Chilean entrance cards. A few sprinkles as we waited. One cause of delay: two scientists from Texas Tech fell seriously ill & went to hospital w fever & vomiting. They