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came out today but had to go to clothing issue. Boat actually sailed - gangplank came up at 12:42. Had lunch ~ 11:30 - hearty beef stew, salad & wonderful wheat bread -- I ate it all - feeling better. We sit down at table and one roly-poly waiter takes orders from choices chalked on blackboard. Always drinks & condiments and goodies of various kinds on sideboard where we help selves: As we finish we carry dishes to kitchen, scrape garbage into bag, & put dishes in sink. There are 20 scientists for Seymour, several for Palmer Station, Buzz Betzel, NSF Pat Kracher & Mark Eich. 1 π plus crew. Jeff's roommate is a bird specialist from New Zealand. We stood most of pm watching birds while he identified them. At dock [[underlined]] in P.A. [[/underlined]] we saw [[underlined]] S. black backed gulls, Patagonia gulls [[/underlined]] (small) [[underlined]] skuas, rock shags, Magellan's shags [[/underlined]] one or two [[underlined]] giant petrels. [[/underlined]] Out in the wide strait there were [[underlined]] black browed albatross, Antarctic terns, Magellan's penguins, giant petrels, shags [[/underlined]] wa [[blank space]]  Dolphins. Glorious, warm, bright day. At 2:00 PM fire drill: we all donned life jackets (like horse collars) in cabin & went on deck with survival bags. Boarded one lifeboat which was lowered to deck side for us & they closed hatches. A beautiful, secure craft -- felt much better about chances. Then 2 people tried putting on survival outfit - a [[?]] orange thing that zips to chin but one size fits all. Like wearing a blimp

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but it actually keeps you alive in cold water. More watching on upper deck until felt a bit queasy. Took 1/2 dramamine & dozed for 1 1/2 hours. Supper at 5:30 - meatloaf, corn - etc strawberries & cream. 

8:00 PM meeting: Zinsmeister briefed us on landing site (Atlantic side) procedures etc. ~ 8 rides in Zodiacs for 8 km to unload. Brian ^[[Huber]] briefed on K/T. put my route map on wall. Shower & bed 12:00

Punta Arenas rather a surprise to me. I think I expected a dilapidated port backed by souvenir shops. In fact, it is a tidy place with one-family houses of ± uniform size and an array of pastel colors spread over low hills & valleys -- 60,000 population. It finally struck me that it is odd because it has no (visible) slums; there is a uniformity and neatness about it -- clean, and full of individual businesses. Most everything is one to two stories.

After dark last night ~ 10:30 we could see the lights of oil platforms on both sides -- land at great distance. Just before midnight we emerged through the East entrance to the Strait of Magellan and turned sharply south. Oil rigs only on our right. Constellation clear & beautiful - Orion, Sirius, Southern cross, α&ß Centauri. Milky way v. faint. 

Transcription Notes:
Zinsmeister confirmed