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Feb. 12. Woke once in night & to W.C. Again at 6:15 & luxuriated in having 45 min to breakfast - Considerable roll to ship - took 1/2 dramam w other pills. Breakfast ~ 8:00. All day at sea - ^[[partly]] overcast but bright sun in AM. Dan Cheney sunbathing on forward deck w shirt off. Phil showed me my first wandering albatross -- a gorgeous bird with white underwings tipped with black. What a thrill to see it wheel & turn & tilt up so I could see the expanse of gleaming white. Also Wilson's storm petrels and fairy priors. Lunch of poached salmon, mashed potatoes and corn, salad, butterscotch pudding Dozed a little until about 2:00 when we should be approaching the strait between the tip of S. America and "Staten Island" Isla de los Estador. Watched the Island approaching and then we veered south - took pictures of land on both sides - We had a trailing wind all day that blew streaks of spums beside us - also blew diesel fumes. Spent most of PM out. Supper ~ 6:00. Back out it was raining alittle so I sat inside as Mark Eichenbeger talked w. crew member and Toni & Jeff & a third member played cribbage. [[underline]] Mark  [[/underline]] has done great things. Went down Amazon alone in boat to Guiana [[arrow]] [[?]] & Miami when he was 15. Drove from Calif. to Patagonia. On deck in time for sunset ~ 8 - rain had stopped. Earlier in PM I had asked to climb to crow's nest & they put up a ladder for me - up from wheel house. Up one ladder, then up a permanent one and up thru trapdoor to tiny cabin above it all. Great view but I did not like it there and came down soon. Shower & writing ~ 11:15.

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[[underline]] Feb. 13  [[/underline]]  In the night we entered the zone of Westerlies and deep swells. The boat is going S-SE thru troughs and rolling hard. Once all our stuff on the table - notebooks - papers, bird glasses slid to the floor so I got up to set things right. Slept rather lightly; unlike last night. Got up for breakfast about 8:00 - few in sight. Thought I felt OK but didn't want to eat. Picked at wheat bread and tea. Went on deck for fresh air before & found sea color of slate. After breakfast sun bright in East. Stayed out awhile then decided to go in. Not knowing what to do. What I did was to lie in bunk & enjoy it. Rolling steeper by 11:00. Several times cabin plunged in darkness as waves crashed against glass - We are on [[strikethrough]] starboard [[/strikethrough]] ^[[west]] side with warming sun. Sun blotted out again at 11:25. Lucky this ship has a special damper device. South & ice cream. Some trouble w sea [[?]].

At lunch very few were present--the three of us at side table and Bill, Mark, & others at long table. Suddenly a giant wave sent their chairs flying. Pickles and condiments falling over & dishes clattering. But even such rolls are only 20-25°. Same all PM & evening. I repacked my stuff this pm and had awful time with pitching and rolling. To avoid being slammed against the key in Toni's closet, I took it out and now have no idea where it is! Folded in w stuff? May have to jimmy it tomorrow. Added wipes, T.P. etc. to the big box. Supper ~ 6:00 - beef stew & peaches. Outside there are ~ 11 [[albatross?]] following & sailing around us. Saw oour first white over -- that in wings white top & bottom w dark tips. Royal? or advet Wandering? Also black bellied Storm petrels. (Evening, Pat Knacher got Tim to cachet all the [[?]] mail to ship - ^[[big]] box of it. I got this book, my bird book & a few envelopes cacheted. Two envelopes were to Mark Turner so we signed our names.