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Feb. 14 St. Valentines Day - as Jeff reminded us at breakfast. Anne sent him away with a letter to open every single day. And a valentine for today! Young love. I felt great today. no sign of seasickness even tho I took no dramamine at all. Had 1st half decent time after breakfast since the diahrrea at P.A. We entered cape pigeon territory in the night and had flocks of the delightful, elaborate little birds around ship all day. A giant petrel or two, black bellied storm petrels, and a few fulmars. Phil was on deck all AM and I got a list from him of birds so far - forgot about the name of the dolphins we saw 2 days ago - black & white, leaping in waves - - - I found the key first thing, in my camera case. That made life easier. Toni repacked in AM & I stayed on bridge - lovely day. Many people seasick. Beverley has been in bed for days - the Scopolamine patch didn't work for her. Lunch was roast beef - potatoes, gravy, asparagus -- very heavy meals twice a day. I did final repacking this pm. Spent much time on bridge also. At 2:00 Bill called a meeting to discuss logistics. We will arrive vicinity of Seymour Is. after midnight. Early in day sighted our 1st iceberg -- first spotted by mate. But it moved & developed into a ship! The 1st ship weve seen. These are immensely lovely waters. Then spotted a true iceberg & afterward many more. [[strikethrough]] In md [[/strikethrough]] ^[[At lunch]] somebody called "Whales" & we all bolted topside. Saw steam rising now & then on port side - no real jets - no flukes or backs. (Two or 3 groups of adelie penguins earlier). Back to lunch. Afterward - after the meeting, I spent some time up there. Sea rough for awhile & then very calm. I saw my own 

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penguins and my own whales with good strong spouts. We approached the peninsula tip late in p.m. & began spectacular scenery. Mt. Branscomb & Islands - [[strikethrough]] Sho [[/strikethrough]] Snow covered w glacier. Bergs all around & little patches of ice some w penguins or seals - leopard seals. At sunset we took pictures of mts & sky trying to capture the excitement of the moment. I updated my route map from ship logs & got temp. records. Began to crunch thru pack ice after dark - Supper of excellent steak, mushrooms & onions?, French fries, chocolate & nut ice cream - Last packing afterward. I had a symbolic shampoo just before supper - last shower & shamp. for long time. Hair had to dry during meal. Talked w Brian. Tinkered w camera & flash - packed. Jeff came by & told me moon was up - & there in v late twiligt hung a crescent, orange in color & backward. Bergs nearby. Antarctic scenery is peerless. 12:25 AM & an early rising tomorrow.

[[underlined]] Feb. 15 [[/underlined]] Crunching ice most of night. I slept very little. Ship is not an ice breaker, but it does have a double ice hull to crack flows & ride up when surrounded. Got up at 3:00 - slept & had wierd dreams 3 - 5:30. About getting to station 3 times w. wrong bags & going home for them. By 6:00 we were near Seymour w ice floes & bergs all around. A big rock on one of them might be a meteorite. [[?]] cormorants, skuas, fairy terns, some adelies (but I've not seen them). Breakfast at usual time then loaded 1st zodiac- Bill, Mike, Mark- Photog scene & now at 11:06 packing up final gear. 3 zodiacs & I am on trip no. 8.                                                                                            

Transcription Notes:
quite a few guesses, fixed some names