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basic camp facilities were installed & Bill said it was time for a geological walk and simply took off. A few minutes later, while I was initiating the privy (Le Outhouse) he called to me. Wanted me to go along the sea cliff with himself & Mike Woodburn. I quickly changed to issue boots & took off. Out to the cliff - down over & onto the mud flats at low tide. All sorts of wormy & weedy things there, some alive, some newly dead. Sea cliff itself had all sorts of features - layered Tertiary with channels, and Cretacean w beautiful fossils -- ammonites, gastropods etc. Ice chunks stranded on mud. Clear rippled ice below, [[??]] & snow caps. Melted to arches & pedestels & all sorts of forms. Icicles dripping from one of then created pits & burrows & bark patterns on mud - construction looking like fossil imprints. I temporarily lost a glove & learned what real regret would be on this trip. I decided to retrace steps ,and Bill went with me. Woodburn went slowly along [[??]]. Bill found it at our point of return. It was a lovely afternoon - sunny, warm, sea turning blue green, ice floes & 35 bergs offshore. Bill discovered a Weddell seal sound asleep in a cave. Pelted it w a pebble to wake it for a picture - Lots of S. black backed gulls, a few brown skuas, a few Antarctic terns. Came home ~ 5. talking about Arctic exploration Bob Nichols & my own experience with him. 

In camp, Toni was preparing to cook spagetti in our new cook tent. Toni & me, Scott, Charlie, Jeff Stillwell, Fred. Just as I arrived

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Toni spilled a whole pan of green beans on floor. Handle [[??]]. We had spagetti & sauce & parmesan cheese & a v. good time. Peach slices for dessert. Luis came by & presented us w 2 biscuits made in Coleman oven - from bisquick.

After supper - a fair sunset (took picture). I forgot to say that before supper we had a flag raising. Bill planted the American flag on a knoll at end of camp. And Jeff and I put up the two Smithsonian flags on one pole in front of Jeffs tent, The stars & bars adorn Texas Tech tent, and a big one, Union Jack adorns Sadler's.

Meeting on tomorrows walk thru K/T. Bill & Brian cheif guides. Begining ~ 8:30 we will hike across Island gaining experience of the contact - some to penguin rookery & some to sea cliff w. K/T. I was asked to describe the type of samples I want & did so -- for [[Womar??]] & for me. It is now 11:05 - we usually turn in about 8:45 and want to get up ~ 6:30. Goodnight.

[[underlined]] Thursday, Feb. 21. [[/underlined]] My alarm didn't go off -- I must have closed it -- and we awoke with a start at 7:00. Had instant oatmeal and Tang, dressed, packed lunch and maps & extra clothes in backpack. There was no real hurry. About 13 of us were going out together and some had breakfast ~ Most people had a lot of adjusting to do w. backpacks. They are Keltons with tall al. frames & lots of space -- much too big for Toni, who filled it with lots of sampling & mapping gear, and for Marilyn. The Al rod kept hitting the back of her head. About 9:15 Bill led off at an easy pace -- easy for me to follow. It wa a gorgeous morning. Clear, sunny, with just enough