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sedimentary petrologists or paleontologists, so what use are we during exploratory phase?

We got more lab equipment from box --- found that instead of being half-buried in snow it had a big wind scoop around it. Got more or less set up but didn't do anything serious. In P.M. Jeff & I walked along beach where I went w. Bill & Woodburn the 1st day. Several slumped areas along cliff, no little bergs at all with their fantastic shapes. Wind has blown them out to sea. No seal this time, but we did find 8 Adelie penguins in a litte cave. On way home we decided to go & get our cameras & came back to watch the penguins for awhile. Took more penguin pictures & of ea. other with them. Jeff & Phil had invited Tony & me to supper, but, before supper time, Bill opened up his store of vodka, rum, and gin, his tonic, and his fresh limes & several of us had drinks & great gemulkheit. A bottle of almond-stuffed olives & some red mustard appeared -- and deviled ham, which Fred calls chopped pig dick. After Tony came in from field we went to Jeff's tent for supper. They had made a whole pan of bisquits from Bisquick & we started w those w. butter and orange marmalade. Later there was Turkey tetrazini w. carrots & peas - done better than the other evening. Dessert was mandarin oranges. Long conversation & good ones: Phil engaged to a woman from Dover, Mass. Says he got off subway & is met by a Mercedes. Met the woman on Birch Island, Maine, where she is postmaster. Family summer outing. He is a cook, & bought a house in Alexandria Va. on strength of kitchen alone -- didn't even look at rest of house. For the

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second evening people sat and guessed everybody's age - It seems a topic of great interest. So I told mine. Tony said "No Way", the whole camp is guessing middle to late 50s. I failed to say I am proud of my age, but I am.

Party broke up ~ 10:20 -- to late to write.

[[underlined]] Sunday, February 24th. [[/underlined]] This was the day of the Asado at the Argentine air Base. As Tony & I turned in ^[[last night]] she waved her alarm clock saying she & Larry are to be out in field at 7:00. Set alarm for six. She hoped they could still get to the base by 1:00. Bill had announced a slow ramble through the Tertiary beginning along the beach. To begin at 9:00. I opted for that &, after Tony roused out at 6:00 & left tent ~ 7:00, I got up & did a cleaning up-: face, hair, underwear - even brushed teeth. Packed a few things in backpack & was ready at 9:00. But Bill wasn't. V. few people in sight anywhere.

Eventually, at sometime after ten, Bill started for beach; Jeff and I following. The tide was in; the promontories almost drowned, but we always found good footing. Lots of fossils - including a fine starfish in sandstone which Bill set aside to be retrieved later -- Penguin colony & more pictures - Bill taking movies. Finally turned inland & started climbing - ok most of way until we hit the inevitable side of the Meseto & simply had to go up it -- more or less straight. We arrived at top ~ 12:40 and there was a Snow Cat waiting for us to take us to the base. Several others arrived about when we did and we appreciated the lift. At base we left our shoes & packs in room & walked about in our liners. A meeting in Chefe's office began festivities -- formal welcome was short speeches. Luis interpreting for Bill. As I walked into full room, Chefe welcomed me, remembering I am from Boston. One young

Transcription Notes:
Gemulkheit? = Gemütlichkeit is a German-language word used to convey the idea of a state or feeling of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer