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Cleaned up a bit. Stove full of snow - empty cans all around. Thought over all the abstracts, speeches, & mss. I must do soon. Bordeaux, May 10, San F.? Harvard Travelers - Optical Soc. Wash. Univ, Lamont. 

Don Chaney came in finally to take pictures of storm, then Mike. The aerial is broken & flapping. Finally I decided to struggle home against the wind & call on people. Said hello to Jeff & Phil. Jeff seemed fed to the teeth w. this. Then I called on Bill. He was sitting on his bench while Luis bundled up in sleeping bag looking miserable. We had quite a long talk & 2 glasses of red ^[[Chilean]] wine. Very pleasant. He asked me about Nininger, whose museum he once visited at Sedona. We decided not to even try to repair aerial & talk w Polar Duke at our appointed hour tomorrow am. Impossible in this bawling gale -- let them get itchy.

Toni invited Jeff & Phil to join the usual crowd for dinner -- Tuna fish casserole (very good) and apples & cinnamon. I'm cold. So much for February, 1985.

[[underlined]] March 1st. [[/underlined]]

Last night I was so cold that I climbed into my blue bivouac suit, put dry socks on & my down booties, Wore sweater & everythg else to bed & finally put a hot pad into my left bootie to thaw out my feet. Awoke at 9:00 with some wind blowing but gale over with. Sun out, sky clear, strong breeze. People were up & out all around camp. I went over to big tent around noon. Jeff showed up & decided to go out to Badman Pt. w

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Bill. I started to follow on w Jeff & Luis, but facing a stinging wind too much. Decided to stay near beach - a v. good idea. The wind fell, sun warmed & it was lovely. Wedall Sea dark blue with view of distant ice bergs standing up in a mirage, view of camp above the little sea arch very striking. I looked for meteorites and looked in on the penguins. The same group that looked so fat & feisty before were perfectly miserable today. They were mud-caked, and feathers were coming off their breasts in handsful. Sad sight --- Met Scott who said dinner just after 6:00 -- He & Jeff fixing it tonight. PM stayed clear and windless. I shoveled snow from sides of tent, mucked out food box, filled lanterns, stove, & fuel bottle. Swept out front of tent & helped Fred find things for cook tent. It was a nice time. Dinner actually about 7:10. Hamburger & peas & other mixture (rice?) very good. Frozen peaches for dessert. 

At 8:00 went to radio tent to listen to talk w Buzzy. The gist of message from D.C. is "tough it out, Bill" Unless life-threatening situation, the Duke will stay in Palmer waters thru the 12th and then come to us the 14th. Bill said "OK, but Be Advised that we may call you at any time to tell you to come & get us." They understood that - or seemed to. 

Afterward I stopped to talk to Jeff about field work tomorrow & found Tony in tent, of course. I went in too to keep warm while Jeff & Phil ate an elegant dinner of biscuits, hamburger, sauce, spices, wine. But this is the only clear night we've had on Seymour. So Jeff was

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