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and found it full of thick slush. Strange, crystalline, soft slush. Actually, I was roused out of tent as I packed my knapsack by Phil coming by & saying: Ursula, there's a sheathbill in camp..walking all around. I jumped into my boots & went out. (I missed the last sheathbill who sat on the big tent). Sheathbill had landed near our tent and padded quietly & unceremoneously down the row toward our messy stores. A big, very white, plump bird with black bill & thick black legs & toes. Pinkish sheath showing but poorly developed -- juvenile American sheathbill. Jeff & Phil both took pictures. Phil got very close .. sheathbill was unconcerned about people.

Jeff & I took pictures of the little natural arch on shore in front of camp & went to check on penguins. They are miserable today but we decided they are molting -- smooth black feathers beneath those coming out. Drifts of white feathers around look like snow. One penguin seemed to be trying to get feathers out of his mouth. They, too, let us come close. Incidentally, we have seen several penguins eat snow.

I have a cold. Tony's cold, no doubt. Last night I took half a Contac & this   am the other half. While Bill took off on a Suzuki with cart behind it, the 2 Jeffs, Luis, & I followed on foot. An easy walk & lots of fossils to discover. However, about 3:00 I decided to go home. I had had my outing, didn't want to collect fossils to carry and could see no reason to stay. I began to sniff & sneeze. So I bade farewell & had a very easy walk home. Down valley to the shore, then home along the cliffs. Took picture of molting penguins. Did a few chores -- filled lamp & stove -- but not many ... just came in to get warm in sleeping bag.

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got very sleepy -- probably from wind & walk & Contac. Dozed a while. About 5:30 I heard someone going to cook tent, so I called out & it was Charlie. Told him I was in w. cold & didn't want to spread it. It would be nice, though, if someone would give me a plate of whatever dinner they rustle up. Eventually came some beef stew & potatoes. Now I am really stuffing up & expect a long, fairly miserable night.

This p.m. wind shifted to S & we have delicate freezing rain - pray god for a great SW blow about the end of the week -- if it can wait that long.

Tomorrow I plan to stow all my stuff in prep. for leaving. Finished Way of all Flesh today.

[[underlined]] Monday, March 4.  [[/underlined]] Decided to stay in camp all day and nurse my cold. Tony got up early for a long social hour over pancakes. I stayed warm & cozy until I decided to have Tang, oatmeal, coffee. Everyone left camp. Bill, Jeff, & Luis were last to go after labeling & packing fossils and cleaning up big tent. I had a nice time. Repacked all my clothes so that one duffel has issue stuff & one my own clothes. Got out my microscope & looked at sample but it is hopeless. Light is poor, mag. low Samples a mess. Fred & Charlie came in while In big tent. Charlie lit the Coleman to help keep me warm. Later they found me shoveling out my box & came to help. The 2 of them picked it up like a feather and deposited it above its own cavity so that I could stand in hollow & open it w. great convenience.

It is dark outside at 8:40 and Jeff & Brian are apparently not back yet. Yesterday - Brian and Pete Sadler discovered ammonite above the glauconite which marks the K/T.