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[[underlined]] Sunday, March 10.[[/underlined]]

The word this morning was that the Duke made good time in the night and expected to arrive offshore by 1 or 2 pm! How we picked up & started taking apart the camp. Tony & I rolled up our sleeping bags and put them in their red sacks & outside door - Food boxes out. Clothing & items in duffle bags -- one for issue & one for personals. We stripped tent almost clean - except for pads and the stove, lantern & coffee pot. Took pictures of 4 S.I. scientists under the flags - struck the flag & had things well in hand. The "road" to the beach was widened 2 days ago to accommodate a TDS. All the rock boxes are stashed at top of it & water jugs nearby. 

A snack lunch & all set.  But the Duke entred[[entered]] the ice & had slow going. Twenty miles away doing 2 knots by noon. Next rado[[radio]] at 4:00.

I found it increasingly cold & cheerless. Spent early pm w. Jeffrey in his tent. We discussed taking a walk but it seemed too much effort. Had a beer & whiled away time. Finally, I came back to tent & found Tony inside napping in the cold. I came in & unrolled sleeping bag - so did she. Then Bill came by and bellowed: "Ursula -- batten down the hatches -- storm coming." Cold as we were we roused out to get food, fuel, & water for 3 days - and to lay stones & ice around tent -- a [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] distressing outlook. Everybody at food cache undoing our

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morning's efforts. At 4:00 another radio talk showed Duke still miles away. Snow falling -- foggy all day. They agreed to talk again at 7:00. Back at tent, Tony & I lighted stove & I reluctantly undid the plastic cover on my personal duffel & went into it for books & this record. Sweater, also, as I was cold even in bag.

Read & dozed until suddenly Phil arrived at flap saying he had found a Honeywell Auto-Strobe light in a garbage bag outside his tent. Recognized it as mine. My flash accessory -- I left it where I was taking flag pictures this morning. He stopped & talked a bit & we realized we should eat something. He & Jeff are to have flambayed grapefruit sections tonight. 

After he left we heated water for soup & had a can of tuna -- crackers - dried fruit etc. It will hold us easily. But I can't help wondering what I weigh -- I simply must have lost -- with all my activity and minimal meals.

About 7:40 Bill came by to say first Zodiac is about 6:00 a.m.-- or earlier. But first two may be strictly rock boxes as tide will be in. We don't have a SW storm -- just the general off again - on again snow & wind.

Ready, almost, to repack & turn in at 9:30.