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to swap even. So I got my pin & will have to bug Woodburne to have our patches made.

After much loading & unloading of things & passengers, we cast off & entered the bay - an absolutely stunning ride. Organized group picture on Helo deck in bright, calm sun. Had a lovely sail until we hit Drake Passage proper & a big swell. Then we were, one by one, grounded w seasickness. Had a fire & boat drill about 3:00. Tony dozed in bunk & I came in & slept. I took 1/2 dramamine, which took fair care of me until Evening. Supper and all. Pork chops, rice, beans, maple ice cream. After supper, felt ill again & searched for patch - couldn't find it at first, so one more half dramane & bed early & to 7:00 am. Too done in to write diary last night.

[[underlined]] Friday, March 15 [[/underlined]] Tom leaves home today. Meanwhile I'm crossing Drake passage. Got up but decided I couldn't handle breakfast. Found patch & back to bed. Tony is better -- got out. I slept, off & on, untl ~ 10:45. Got up, went on deck - saw giant petrel & albatross. To bridge. Nobody around except navagator. He had me sign a customs sheet for Chile. Downstairs absolutely nobody in rec. room, and I was first to lunch. Later, came Mark, Pat, Bill, Toni, Luis, Jeff S. Scotch broth - salad, saltines, peaches.

Now it is 1:07 pm.

Dozed awhile after lunch. Then roused out and got my orange parker out of box & put it in the dryer.

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Repacked box w. Antarctic clothes -- will try to put in house coat tomorrow, but it has gotten full. gave Bill my Cecil ms. and he said he enjoyed it. Took exception to the idea of periodic extinctions and impacts. Few people around today at all. 
Dinner of beans & franks - very good. At 6:30 watched movie "Body Heat". Read a while afterward. The swell has died down to some extent, and the patch is working. 11:45

[[underlined]] Saturday, March 16 [[/underlined]]  Felt fine in morning and was lst to breakfast after some officers and crew. Swell continuing and keeping many in bunks. A good time to do chores. I emptied my issue bag & checked to make sure everything was there. Had to take off long johns I was wearing to complete the list. It looks as though I lost one brown glove liner -- only. I also repacked my own bags with intent of carrying only 2 of them through S. America -- plus ditty bag and camera. Did a small laundry and watched birds. Saw a few unidentifiable penguins in water - giant S. fulmars, albatrosses, wandering and black browed.

At dinner we could choose between beef stew and Reuben sandwiches. I asked for half a plate of stew and got half a sandwich. Not the best. After dinner I was reading in cabin when Toni came bursting in for her camera -- dolphins were playing all around the ship. We had dropped anchor to take on an Argentine pilot for passage through Argentine waters of Beagle Channel. It was ^[[just before]] twilight & mostly overcast. Saw dolphins and also saw