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grand, with sails furled, I longed to see it under full sail. The scene was so colorful I wanted photos, but  had not brought my camera. We walked to end of dock & back home again via post office, where Tom bought philatelic stamps. A while later I went out again w camera, but the sun was low, the air cool, & the museum - Braun-Menendez closed at 4:00. I retreated home. Found Richard in entrance & learned that Janice was sick all day. We compared notes but could not find common source of illness, unless old scallops were mixed w fresh. At ~8:30 we had supper in Los Navagantes. Janice was up & around & going w Tom & Richard & a whole new crew of U.S. biologists, just arrived, to dinner -- the Astureas, no less. We gave her info. on Jose's number for their use. Tom had called for him at Zona Franca and after awhile, he called back & we had a date for 11:45 tomorrow for airport.

[[margin]] Saturday, March 23. [[/underlined]]

Early breakfast - rainy night & rainy morning rather cool in P.A. We finished packing and, in the process, I recovered red raincoat & black sweater, from which we tried to mop off feathers, & actually wore it on plane.

At 10:50 I walked over to museum, which opened at 11:00, the moment I arrived. An old mansion w ancient cedars & flower gardens. 50 pesos entrance. I was first. Good 

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exhibits of old implements, arrows, & the history of Magellaner province - including the exact no. of immigrants in the late 1800s.-- and the decline of indigenos 1845 to zero at 1945, and the effect of loss of shipping w. Panama Canal.

After I looked around, a guard offered me booties for something, which proved to be a chance to see rest of mansion. I didn't understand at first, then other tourists gathered and a special guide appeared & I could see a grand tour was in order. But I was to be picked up at gate in 15 minutes -- so I spoke to the guide, & said -- Senora, Tengo solamente dez minutos" She signaled the original guide and he took me on a quick tour - A very grand mansion. Cordovan leather walls in one room - carved wood, - glassed front Salon w/ bright gilt & white chairs & tables -- a lovely, bright, important room. Then, I took leave, bought cards painted w Chilean flowers at entry, & made it to entrance just ahead of Tom & José. On way to airport I took pictures of Sheif statue & Yugoslav statue - Tom stopped to buy filter at Zona Franca (there weren't any to fit our camera) & then to airport - racing with Tour Chile bus. Tom was very concerned to be early in line to choose seats, & he just made it. chose non-smoking seats, front of wing - on right so I could see gorgeous scenery to Puerto Montt. Mob scene at port. José brought our 4 bags just in time for checking. Janice & Richard showed up & needed help with seating.