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After finishing there, we walked to the foot of Cerro San Cristobal, very near by, and took a ride up the Telepherica. Great views of city -- a better day than we had in Feb. Had pepsis at top & took pictures featuring date palm. Walked to top & then down to Funicular. (Saw eared dove at foot of Telepheria) Rode to bottom & then decided to walk to Sr. Celis at 843 Bella Vista where I bought my lapis in Feb. About 12 blocks in all, past many a lapis shop -- one way street - we going wrong way. Sr. Celis was there and I found a pair of earrings almost like my necklace. They curve a little, he offered to plane them down, but needed 35 min -- to 7:00 pm. For some reason I decided against that (?!). Bought earrings & a graceful lapis & silver pin shaped like a leaf and he quickly soldered them for me. At the end we mentioned that I had been to Antarctica & he brightened up. "When?" he asked, because someone else was in last week from Antarctica - Mr. Jeffrey Post. And Jeff had captivated Sr. Celis. Jeff bought presents for his wife -- necklace & bought for mother, sister, aunt, and himself (box). Celis obviously enjoyed him immensely -- as, who could resist the high spirits & good time Jeff radiates. It was almost as tho we had seen him again for a few minutes this evening. And so taxi home & here we sit thinking about driver.
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We went downstairs for supper & had creme of chicken soup and omelettes: cheese for me; ham for Tom. Then I had a huge sweet honey dew melon, which we shared. 

Then, at bedtime, after Tom was in and dozing, I had a dramatic episode of runs. Generated from how many days back, I will never know. It was only runs, no nausea or dizziness, but, because of tomorrow's flight I took 2 Lomotil & turned in. 

[[underlined]] Tuesday, March 26 [[/underlined]]

It was not over by any means -- periodically I poured almost pure water in great freshets. Stayed in bed while Tom went to breakfast -- was afraid of throwing up if I ate or drank -- altho I was losing water at a great rate. Luckily, I packed last evening, so I stayed in bed until time to dress for airport taxi: [[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]] 9:30 from Montecarlo for a 12:00 flight on Linea Area Paraguay (LAP)! Reason: great lines of passengers boarding for Miami and Frankfurt -- plus a few for Asuncion. I sat in one place while Tom checked us in -- early -- got good window & middle seat in front (bulkhead) We were also first (or nearly so) thru the passport line and into the International Lounge. A wait, but fairly comfortable w. only one or two trips to Damas -- more water. Easy flight: left on time & took only 2 hours to Asuncion. Beautiful views of Andes -- when I was awake enough to look out our precious window. Took no lunch -- asked for coke but only chewed the ice -- which was refreshing. Later, had a few sips of tea. 

At Asuncion we stepped into the tropics -- 37[[degrees]]C (98.6 f.) on pavement - unbelievable. I thought of the Argentine meteorologist [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] at Marambio Base, who came from near