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Birds everywhere over water: Cormorants, anhingas, kingfishers, huge black birds w gray hooked beaks. Kiskadee flycatchers. Something w black body, white fronts, red heads, yellow bills, great egrets, herons, large, med, small. Ibis, a jacana w salmon wings & beak, a crested ibis (brown), pair of nesting jabiru, a black monkey & a golden one sprawled in a tree; sun going down, river & trees turning golden, sky pink; trip went on & on until finally we turned into a shallows and poled to the fazenda -- as it got quite dark ~6:30.

A handsome, buxom young Brazilian woman met us & guided us to cottage No. 1. with tile floor, 2 bunks. Screened porch where she put up two hammocks for us. We share area w a young German who is in #2. At supper, buffet style arroz, feijou, carne, onions, cabbage & tomatoes, we 3 were alone. The young couple disappeared as we docked. We had a pleasant dinner conversation w him -- we have both lived in Brazil - & are about to retire in hammock for a Corumbá night.

[[underlined]] March 30, 1985 [[/underlined]]

That's what it was, alright. My hammock, hung up in the dark, had a stiff band in it about 2/3 of the way to the right margin. Difficult to navigate, but cooler than inside. I had a decent breeze where mine was pitched -- at corner of veranda. I even got such a breeze after awhile that I got up & pulled a sheet off our bed & covered myself. I felt diarrhea coming on all night.

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but was able to stave it off til morning. I was afraid that ^[[with]] the generator off there would be only one flush in toilet. Also our German colleague next door was in a hammock just beyond Tom's & just outside our toilet. No privacy. But, in any case, I was comfortable enough until daylight (~7:15) when I found I did have a case of runs requiring 2 Lomotil.

Passed up all chances for a bird tour this am - Observed birds around fazenda & also dozed in hammock. Lunch was as hearty as dinner - arroz, feijou, spagetti & hamburger, tomato & salad. Very hot today ~86[[degree sign]]f. looked like rain. at 3:00 we received a tour by car & will go on one by boat tomorrow. Started out at 3:00 with the young couple we arrived w. yesterday. They seem to talk a strange language & take notes in arabic? Persian? Before we left the Fazenda grounds, we got stuck in a mud hole to the floor, almost. An hour went by as they tried to pull out the car. We took off shoes & socks and walked out of the warm mud. Then we had an exciting road tour stopping all along to see birds. Took the road to Carumbá until we could see Urucum on the horizon and, possibly, [[Rabistia??]]. Day was late & we drove to where road was inundated. Therefore, we turned around & drove thru sunset & afterglow toward Santa Clara. Left the young couple at ferry near fazend. An incredible, grubby, crowded place - they are on to Bolivia by truck, and Peru.