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and of Corumbá at the water's edge. A cloud obscured my attempt at taking a picture. Then we saw Urucum & Sao Joao area - still partly wrapped in clouds. We decided that the Frutaria Sao Joao site is still rural, and we should come back & explore on our own. National Car Rental has finally come to Corumbá, and we should have one more visit here. 

Now and then we saw an old man or woman in the streets and knew they should remember the town of the 1950s. But old people are rare here, where the countryside is alive with young people. 

After stops at Campo Grande, where 60 passengers left the plane & it refilled immediately, and Sao Paulo, we came into Rio. Sao Paulo from the air was an unbelievable sight -- urban area with clusters of high buildings covered territory as far as the eye could see. We have no idea whether we ever located the heart of the city -- it was all city-city-city. And every roof of every house was red. White walls, red roofs in the open landscape. 

Coming into Rio, where is was nearly dark -- we lost an hour flying east -- we placed our heart-shaped Love-a-fare signs on our hand bags to alert the agent from Brazilian Vacation Tours. We were, of course, hours late (it was ~ 7:00 pm in Rio) but his business would be to know that. We took bets: No agent -- actually we didn't bet because we both suspected as much. And we were right. No agent met us. Brazilian Vacation Center produced in Paraguay, sending us Fernando at Asuncion, but not at Foy de Iguasú or Rio. 

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Taxi booths abounded at the airport clamoring for business. Tom prepared a ticket and we went to the Ouro Verde -- looking more beautiful than ever, with tall foliage growing on either side of the rounded ^[[glass]] brick entrance. Worse was to come. We held confirmation from Brazilian Vacation Center saying we had prepaid 6 nights at the Ouro Verde. We walked in with 4 suitcases & two handbags and learned that they had never heard of us. And the desk man said that all Rio is overbooked because it is Easter Weekend AND the auto races are on. However, after awhile he phoned the Leme Palace and we wound up there in Room 801 facing the beach. Went to dinner after a short stroll outside under a ~ full moon and the Southern cross. Not only did they add a second lane for traffic after we left Rio, they also widened the walk pavement in front of the hotels and put in a wide center strip. Mosaics at center & each side now include large abstract designs in addition to the traditional wavy pattern. We had a fancy dinner of choice filet mignon cooked at the table by the house method -- and a half bottle of good Brazilian Riesling. Enjoyed our first evening in Rio but ready to collapse ~ 11:00 pm.

I forgot to mention the colossal thunder clouds we flew past and through on the way from Sao Paulo to Rio. Towering high above us with great anvils on top. Roiling white and pink and gray. I can't remember ever being so close to a full strength [[?]] of thunder clouds. We skirted them until time to come down for landing and felt the shock the moment we entered. 

(Flow ended by this morning).