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Feb. 21 1st day in Field - Reconaissance from camp to Penguin Pt. Tried to go to Sea Cliff K/T exposure - found it too steep & icy -- Brian Huber gave up & offered to lead those left in that party home on to Penguin Colony. We chose Penguins.

[[underlined]] Sample 342 [[/underlined]] -- Sack of [[underlined]] glauconite sand [[/underlined]] at high pass ~ 1 Km from SW shore: site Brian sampled last year. (Took small splits in camp -- dried them nr. lantern; sieved, looked at fractions under microscope -- nothing interesting -- but light poor & mag. low)

March 2 - Went out to sample K/T at 3 sites -- the day of the snow petrel
Took core & 3 quab samples

402, 403
Sta. 5 ?
117 ?

March 6 - after Huber-Sadler disc. of Ammonites above glauconite - to sample chocolate brown layer higher in section 
1 pipe, & 5 other samples. 500 series - Nr old camp - upper glauc.

Choc. Bu. pipe
503   & #1
504     #7

6 sites marked on map.