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1907. May 31, Friday at Baddeck.
Times Troy N.Y.
2 Mar 1907

Airships in War

The announcement from Washington a few days ago that a noted manufacturer had contacted to deliver to the War Department the largest balloon ever made in the United States, coupled with the statement that the government already possess nine such flying machines of smaller capacity, indicates that the authorities at the national capital were not without interest in the subject of aerial locomotion. Our government has not lent itself to the work of the encouraging experiments with airships as have the executives of some of the old-world nations, the policy here being to leave such matters as much as possible to private enterprise. But there is simple evidence that a vigilant watch has been kept on developments in this direction, and there has not been lacking direct aid to those engaged in such schemes. Congress at one time voted in appropriation in aid of flying machine which held out promises of success but failed in the test of practical powers, and since then nothing more has been done in that line.
It is wise to await the outcome of the strenuous
efforts of scientists and inventors to produce a flying machine that will really fly, and the country at large will sustain Congress and the executive government in going rather slowly in engaging in such undertakings. But there can be no objection to such moderate plans as are now under consideration. The balloons secured or yet to be delivered are to be used by the War Department in legitimate service. The intention is to try the carrying capacity [[of?]] the balloons and to ascertain if they can be made available in the event of [war?] in conveying bombs and high explosives to be thrown down on an enemy's shifts or fortifications. Awful possibilities are suggested by such employment of balloons, but war is horrible [at?] best, and if modern devices add to [[?]] terrors there is less likelihood of nations rushing into hostilities. 
The topic is not regarded with great curiousness by some of the statesmen at Washington, as was shown by the proposition that a subsidy be voted [[?]] ships. Nevertheless the question has [[?]] serious side. Progressive countries are keeping their eyes and ears open to what is going on with regard to [[?]] the air. The action of the German government in providing $125,000 [for?] continuing airship experiments [is?] efficiently suggestive. France is understood to have a balloon corps connected with the army, and is even [[?]]] Great Britain is considering [[?]] advisability of giving sober attention to the subject. If balloons and air [[?]] are to play a part in military maneuvering the United States certainly [[?]] wisely to be not wholly unprepared

3 Mar 1907

Gli aeroplane
e la
 Dovrei dire invece:
aereo, perché ora non
che si creda tale) di aer
non si rivolga as un fal
tori per ottenere il mezz
per innalzarsi nell'aria
chio... o con la fantasia.
 E se fra qualche anno
fa separare, noi avremo
problema, della navigazio
vremo all'automobilismo,
grande progresso e di ve
ora l'anima motrice di og
 Si tratta infatti, ad ogn
vo, di cambiar piu o mer
ai piani, facendolu chi di
lumino o altro leggero 
parte integrante resta se
questo ordigno che deve
servarka, as un corpo mo
li il grande studio. Perci
che solo quando le gran
motori, ossia di automobil
dicae i loro studii a ques
aerea, il problema verra piu
soluzione e sara tanto di guada
 Ormai la locomozione aerea e

La navicella.

peso di [[r8o?]] chilogrammi. Il motore,
erato è un buchet du 24 cavalli, ad
 ora attendiamone fidenti i risultati,
acent solo che in Italia non si sia
a trovato lo studioso che volgia de-
e a questo genere di costruzione,
nti come siamo che l'aeroplano, os-
piu pesante dell'aria, ha davanti a 
vittoria, la soluzione del gran pro-
quanti buoni risultati abbiano sinora
i palloni dirigibili, noi persistiamo
edere che l'aeroplano avrà finale
sso, ed è perciò che ci augureremmo
presso noi (in Italia le intelligenze
nancano certo) qualche esperimento

Il nuovo aerop

zza Corvett
and N. 49
ne Aut

Transcription Notes:
i don't know how to format the page when it is cut off, please let me know if this is incorrect I would suggest typing as continuous prose. The column effect is hard to read even though cut off!