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1'A. C. D. F., 58, rue J.-J.-Rousseau, jusqy'ay 20 mal prochain.

M.M. Archdeacon, capitaine Ferber et Gh Voisin forment le jury.

News Passaic N.J, 
1 Mar 1907

There is to be a great international display of aeronautics this fall at St. Louis, and some of the world's highest and swiftest flyers of the air are exported to take part.
Almost every country of Europe has some scientist who has breasted the upper atmosphere in the adventure of discovery for an instrument that could be guided against wind and currents as are the boats that ride upon the waters of the deep, and many of the best of these have been invited to participate in this exposition. That quite a number will attend is already assured. Among those who will attract particular attention are: Usuelli, of Italy; San-tos-Dumont, of Brazil, but just now credited to France, and our own Knab-enschue, all daring explorers of the up-per firmament, men who have made ballooning the main objective of their lives, and who have succeeded to a measurable extent in the control of machines, both in direction and against currents of wind. Knabenschue, with-in the past two years, in the gaze of New Yorkers, has navigated his dirigible balloon steeples, and flown low and high, at his own sweet will. Santos-Dumont has accomplished as much in [[unable to read due to the folded paper]]
accomplish the [[unable to read due to the folded paper]] with terra firma under his feet [[unable to read due to the folded paper]] the advantages of modern mountain-eering. Other men than Berson and Usuelli have crossed the 20,000 feet mark, notably Glashier and Coxwell, in 1862, amid suffering that almost ended their lives. According to the record, even Stephen and Joseph Mont-golfier, the first of intrepid balloonists have noth-ing extra to boast of.
But the St. Louis exhibition of bal-looning is not to be devoted to the question of high altitudes. Its more serious problems are the discoveries incident to propulsion of dirigible bal-loons, areo-planes, aeroromes, anything that can be made useful in flying in the upper air, under control, and which, by development, can be made profitable for commercial purposes. If it does not attain this important proposition, then it will pass out of men's memories like a theatrical show that has afforded gratification for the hour of its production.
People have an idea that everything under the sun is the result of nineteenth and twentieth century invention and thought; that our ancestors were a lot of thick-headed numbskulls, whose sole objective in life was to secure suste-nance wherewith to feed the body, and that thoughts above the carnal never entered their minds. If the records of history are correct, even ballooning was not unknown to the ancients, and was successfully practised, and in the writings of Friar Bacon is found a de-sign for flying in the air!
France has always held a foremost place in suggestions for upper air in-struments, following the Montgolfier success, and many have been the de-signs offered, especially those of Henri Giffard in 1852, De Lorne in 1870 and General Meusnier in 1873, the latter a scheme on paper, and intended for mili-tary purposes. Great Britain has pro-duced some very excellent balloonists, also, men who have given the world excellent lessons in the progress of the art. Even our own country has not been backward in brave, skillful and ingenious aeronauts. Their names are too numerous to recall. But a passing reference must be made to the steady application of his ideas by Professor Langley, or Washington. Though his first aerdrome was engulfed in the waters, a most unfortunate beginning, it has not dampened his ardor nor still-ed the flame of his inventive genius. Many other Americans are getting ready their airships for the trials and competitions at St. Louis, and it prom-ises to be a year of tremendous interest.

[[2nd article]]
Neiges d'Auvergne. 
Le magnifique raid aerien accompli par M. Paul Leglise et son passager, M. alfred Pene, a bord du ballon "Fernandez-Duro" battant pavillon de ;'Aero-Club du Sud-Ouest, et dont nous avons indque succincitement le parcours dans notre dernier nu-mero, merite les honneurs d;une chronique speciale, ear il arparait bien, a l'examen, comme le plus interessant des innombrables voyages aerostatiques accomplis jusqu'a ce jour an depart de Bordeaux. 

On peut meme pretendre qu'a ce point de vue il va etre tres remarque dans les milieux sportifs de l'Areo-Club de France. 

Des mercredi matin, a Farrivee de M. Paul Leglise a bordeaux, nous avons tenu a nous faire narrer, a Finention des lectures de la "Petite Girode", ce voyace sensationnel par le pilote lui-meme. interview d'autant plus documentaire, qui' inquiete en son extreme modestie, le voyageur s'est discretement retranche derriere son livre de bord.En realite, nous ne pouvions mieux desirer, en parfails nautoniers qu'ils sont, de scrupniensement annoter ce precieux livre, temoin de leurs envoices captivates.  

[[upside down article]]
demontre que son fils, au cours d'une dispute, lui lanca a la tete une lampe allumee. Il nel'atteignit point, mais il allumanum journal a la meche brulante et mit le feu aux vetements imbibes de petrole de la malheureuse, qui mourut dans d'atroces souffrances. 

Visite a Edourd VII
Saint-Sebastien, 6 mars. Le general commandant le 6 corps, residant a Burgos, ira prochainement a Biarritz presenter au roi Edouard les compliments d'Alphonse XIII. 

Le Prince de Hohenzollern a Barcelona. 
Barcelone, 6 mars. 
Le prince de Hohenzollern est arrive e a passe en revue, ce matin, le 11 regiment de dragons de Numancia, dont il est colonel a la suite. Le prince poursuit ce soir son voyage. 

Les Socialistes de Bilbao. 
bilbao, 6 mars. Les comites socialistes ont declare hier renoncer a la greve pendant la period electoral pour la nomination des conseillers provinciaux. Neanmoins, l'agitation continue dans le district minier.   

Un Discours de Bjornstjerne-Bjcernson. 
Le celebre homme de lettres Bjornstjerne Bjoernson a preconise, dans un grand discours, la separation de l'Englise et de l'Etat Il a di ensuite, a propos de ecoles: Elle

[[partial article]]
vers Montpellier. ler parfois fantas 
sous d'eux, voici
Sainte-Marie, puis
accentuant cette
"Duro" laisse Ag
mieres qui s'allum
M. Leglise a en 
lest. Il lui en reste
gagne encore. Av
que, le pilote con
truements. En bas,
se levera qu'a or
non, voice deux vi
de l'autre, et la s
parfois du bon, 
les deux sous-pr
moins eloignees s
sac. C sont elles
fond du gouffre
d'un grand fleuve
La marche est av
la'haut 5 degres
sept heures du so 
equilibre mainten
d'air entre 1,500 e. 

Et jusqu'a onze
jusqu'a la Iune, c
we absolu. 
M. Leglis pens
ger vers l'ESt. 
..ter des qu'il se
hone, pour ne pa
approcher du n 
assaient sur les 
ons de Rodez et
antal du cote de 
Minuit. Altitide 
ure: 6 degres au 
vee parmi des nu
une chute de ses
deux voyages, el
sous d'eux, a quel
a peine, un imm
Temperaturue: -7
c'est aussi des effa
central, ou tout,
disparait englouti
dans les clairs ra
Soudain, la pet
teint. Est-elle vex
naire? Non. Elle
vulgaire lamps 
glise n'en a pas

Transcription Notes:
tdevjl3 - 12/22/2022 - Made a few minor edits for some missing letters. If this is returned for additional edits, please indicate in notes why it was returned and/or what is missing