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1907, June 1.                  23

'9 Telegraph -    
14 Mar 1907       


The two big balloon trophies of the Aero Club of America, the Lahm and the International aeronautical cups, will be displayed to-night at the first annual dinner [[at?]] the club at the St. Regis. The Lahm cup will be displayed for the first time. Cortlandt Field Bishop, president of the Aero Club, will preside.
Among the speakers will be Burgess [[?nson]], of Everybody's; Colgate Hoyt, president of the Automobile Club of America and Anthony Fiala, who will speak on [[the?]] possibilities of the aerostat in polar exploration. Some of the guests will be ??? N. Chandler, president of the Philadelphia Aero Club; L.D. Dolger, president of [[the?]] Aero Club of St. Louis, and James E. ???, Chairman of the Business Men's League of St. Louis. 

After the speeches moving pictures will be shown of the start, from the Tuilleries, [[of?]] the International cup race last fall, and [[flight?]] by the Bird of Prey, the aeroplane [[in?]] which Santos-Dumont won the Archdeacon prize last fall by flying 220 metres. 

Petite Gironde, Bordeaux
14 Mar 1907
L'Auréole des Aéronautes.
Il ne s'agit point de nimber de gloire le ?âne de nos modernes champions de l'air, mais d'un phénomène physique connu. On sait que, de même qu'au désert des mirages viennent mettre parfois de curieu?? images devant les yeux éblouis du voyageur, il se produit quelquefois aussi, en ?? atmosphère, des halos magnifiques, ?? centre desquels l'aéronaute aperçoit, ré?? sur les nuages, l'image magnifiée de ??? ballon planant dans l'immensité.
Malgré tout, ce phénomène est assez rare. ??? est tout au moins rare de pouvoir le contempler dans toute sa splendeur, car il existe des conditions atmosphériques très spéciales, tant au point de vue de la densité ?? nuages que de leur degré de température.
Or, jamais les aéronautes bordelais, qui ??? pourtant de membreuses ascensions, ??? l'occasion d'admirer une «auréole» ?? belle que celle qui charma les yeuz des ?? voyageurs de la «Belle-Hélène» (MM, ???, Robert Seguin, G. Amigues et Maurice Martin, tous membres de L'Aéro club du Sud-Ouest) partis de Bordeaux à ??? vendredi (les aéronautes ne sont pas superstitieux), pour l'ascencison que nous ??? déjà relatée, et qui leur permit ??? atterrir, après deux heures de route, dans le Lot-et-Garonne, à Houeillès, à une ??? de kilomètres de leur point ???

Presque au départ, tandis que le ballon [[assait?]] déjà à quelque nuit cent mètres -dessus de La Souys, montant au milieu un cirque grandiose de nuages, les aero- utes commencèrent a apercevoir en bas, l'est, dans une aureole de gloire, l'image [[?ossale]] de la << Belle-Helene >> se refléter va- [[ement]] sur les nues inférieures, avec deux [[?bes]] lumineuses tres blanches s'élançant ... le ciel d'un point commun (la nacelle) deux traits entre lesquels venait s'inscrire actement la sphere grise du ballon.

Peu a peu, l'image se précisa, tout en suf- ... fidèlement les voyageurs dans leur [[?rse]] rapide vers le haut du fleuve. Et [[?and]] ils  passèrent au-dessus de Langon, minant, dans un panorama d'une inex- [[?mable]] splendeur, l'immense ocean des ages s'étendant presque au niveau de [[?rs]] yeux, un peu en contre-bas, avec ses [[?gues]] courtes, ses longues houles, ses [[?]] lointaines, ses pics, ses serais, ses [[?]] ses moraines et ses glaciers éblouissants, de-ci de-la, tout en bas, a près de deux [[?ille]] mètres, au long du gouffre, a travers un [[?ou]] béant, la terre sombre, ses fils blancs, les routes et les rivières – ses bourgs, ses [[?ilages]] miniaturesques, son damier de [[?amps]] cultives et ses noires forets, a ce [[?oment-la]], en bas, a leur gauche, sur l'e[[?]] des nuages, l'aureole, maintenant pro-[[?]]gieuse d'éclat et de netteté, leur apparut son cercle parfait aux couleurs prisma[[?]]mes...

[[top right article]]
Saturday at Baddeck
Post Dispatch St Louis
14 Mar 1907 [

Cup Race Winner Assigned to Fort Leavenworth. 
Special to the Post-Dispatch.
FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan., March 14. -- Lieut. Frank P. Lahm, Sixth Cavalry, has been detailed as instructor of ballooning at Fort Leavenworth. Lieut. Lahm won the James Gordon Bennett cup in the international balloon race last September. The race began in Paris and ended in England the next day. He is a graduate of West Point.
The war balloon now being constructed under direction of the War Department and designated for instruction of the students of the staff college at Fort Leavenworth, probably will arrive here early in the summer, that it may be put to use in the vacation months. At this garrison, the balloon will be in charge of Maj. Squire and the signal corps. Lieut. Lahm's balloon, "The United States," covered 415 miles in the James Gordon Bennett cup race last October. The second place in the race was won by Signor Von Willer of Italy, whose balloon covered 370 miles. Maj. Hersey accompanied Lieut. Lahm in the race.
 The Lieutenant took the place of his father in the race. The latter is the best known American aeronaut in Paris. Maj. Hersey's trip as Lieut. Lahm's assistant was quite accidental. A Frenchman, M. Levee, had been selected as his assistant, but the Aero Club of France protested and Maj. Hersey, who had just arrived from Norway with Walter Wellman, eagerly seized the chance. 

Bulletin San Francisco, Cal
14 Mar 1907


Garden City in a Fever From Triple Visit of Airy Messenger and Tonight a Watching Bee Will Be Held.

 SAN JOSE, March 14 -- "Are you going to be watching the bee?" is the question passed about the streets here today. The whole population of the Garden City is out to catch the airship. What airship? No one knows and the City Council is thinking seriously, even ponderously, of closing the saloons. 
 Here is a hypothetical question: Suppose you were walking down Santa Clara avenue and happened to gaze into the empty air; suppose a long, low rakish-looking craft passed hurtling through the atmosphere, suppose it was cigar-shaped and colored like the darkest of Havana ropes, suppose it had lights at each end and in the center a red light like a sinister and fiery morning-after eye, and suppose that this terrifying sight had been thrust upon you on three different occasions? Could you, as an expert, decide from facts that the percentage of denatured alcohol in malt beverages was not usually more then eight per cent?
 Such a hypothetical question. San Jose has been propounding to itself for the last three days for each clear and balmy night the mysterious airy messenger has darted through the vault above the city plainly observed by the startled inhabitants. The celestial vehicle has always traveled in a straight line due from the northeast to the southwest and no one has ever seen it returning. The most phlegmatic have become excited over the unexplained phenomenon and tonight there is to be a grand watching bee with perhaps some pot hunters in the crowd to send a message to the queer fowl high in the air. 

Transcription Notes:
Only the first 3 paragraphs of the French article have been transcribed. Some accents missing.