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[[cut off]] Aeronauts Will Teach Soldiers Use of Airships.

Lieutenant Lahr Goes to FortLeavenworth as Instructor.

[[cut off]] Taken to Develop New and Needed Art of Warfare.

European Nations Using Air Vehicles Extensively.

Lieutenant Frank P. Alum, Sixth cavalry, [[cut off]] has been detailed instructor of ballon’s at Fore Leavenworth and will soon [[cut off]] his duties in the Kansas stronghold, [[cut off]] he will instruct  soldiers in the art of balloons in t8mes of war. Lieutenant is a distinguished aeronaut, he having [[cut off]] Bennett cup in the International balloon [[cut off]] less than a year ago.
[[cut off]] winning of the cup by a representative of the American club places the re- [[cut off]] lity on that club for organizing the [[cut off]] year, and already plans on being 
in ballooning has received an I’m- [[cut off]] which has already carried it to the [[cut off]] now the practical side is appearing. [[cut off]] resting to note that six of the sixteen [[cut off]] in this year’s contest carried regular [[cut off]] fficers, either as pilots or ask assistances [[cut off]] balloon holds an important place [[cut off]]. Steps which are now being taken [[cut off]] ballooning in the army show that [[cut off]] are taking the matter seriously beginning to appreciate that they are [[cut off]] other nations along their line. Prac- [[cut off]] European armies have their bal- [[cut off]] Troops are regularly incorporated [[cut off]] service, and by constant practice [[cut off]] rimenting they have brought the balloon to such a point of perfection [[cut off]] its usefulness can not be doubted. [[cut off]] has already demonstrated its value [[cut off]]. Thirty-six years ago the be- [[cut off]] of Paris was able to defy the Ger- [[cut off]] dozens of passengers, tons of [[cut off]] hundreds of carrier pigeons which [[cut off]] back into the city with valuable [[cut off]].
[[cut off]] balloon America made an ascendance [[cut off]] Washington, D.C., Feb 23, which was [[cut off]] by numerous prominent soldiers [[cut off]] bers of the different diplomatic [[cut off]] capital. Among those present on [[cut off]] were Captain Chandler, U.S.A.; Chickering, U. S. N.; Sir Chentung [[cut off]], Chinese ambassador, and J.C. [[cut off]] August Post of the New York [[cut off]]. This balloon will probably be [[cut off]] rmy service.
[[cut off]] Lahm is an ardent advocate of [[cut off]] balloons in the army, and his agri- [[cut off]] this country has done much to [[cut off]] interest in the matter. He has [[cut off]] study of the way in which Eu- [[cut off]] rions use ballons and he will [[cut off]] ntroduce some of those methods to [[cut off]] ry, although he has some ideas of [[cut off]] at he will put into force. Lieutenant [[cut off]] work will be watched closely by [[cut off]] in all parts of the country and it is [[cut off]] ible that if he meets with success [[cut off]] rps will be addded to a great many [[cut off]] in the near future.

New Art of Warfare.
[[cut off]] loon became a factor in battles [[cut off]] five-year prohibition of The Hague [[cut off]] ference expired. The prohibition [[cut off]] late to the employment of the bal- [[cut off]] ere reconnaissances, as was effec- [[cut off]] in the Spanish-American in the sev- [[cut off]] ding wars, but to a possible species [[cut off]] ve tactics which would enable one [[cut off]] most a few men to inflict death [[cut off]] form upon thousand without [[cut off]] having more than a remote or very [[cut off]] chance of defense or retaliation. The [[cut off]] in a balloon, which could be maneuvered directly over the enemy’s head, while [[cut off]], far out of range, could let fall [[cut off]] latter bombs of such tremendous [[cut off]] power that he alone might decide [[cut off]] conflict in which hundreds of thousands of soldiers were arrayed against one [[cut off]]. In the western American phrase, [[cut off]] the drop” on a foe would then have [[cut off]] intensified and terribly literal [[cut off]].
[[cut off]] novel instrument has already been [[cut off]] each belligerent, both armies hav- [[cut off]] ring the great battle sent up a balloon [[cut off]] st of Liaoyang,[[cut off]] early in the battle sent up a balloon [[cut off]] st of Liaoyang and the location of [[cut off]] ssian defenses by keen-eyed observ- [[cut off]] above the battlefield may have [[cut off]] Russia to defeat through the result- [[cut off]] curacy of fire from the Japanese bat- [[cut off]]
General Kuropatkin as well received [[cut off]] the same means. His defensive various campaigns, Lowe installed a telegraph office in the basket of his balloon and communicated with officers below through a wire 1,000 feet or more in length. McClellan found the possession of an observation balloon of great value in the peninsula campaign. The confederates imitated the federal to some extent in this respect. Commodore Willies in August, 1862, introduced the [[cut off]] the usual operations in the James river.
In the France-German war, which began in 1870, the French in besieged strongholds employed free balloons to carry news to their forces outside. Paris while beleaguered sent our millions of letters by balloons, together with large numbers of carrier pigeons, which served as returned couriers, and thus an almost regular postal service was maintained, Gambetta, who was [[cut off]] to become dictator, [[cut off]] caned from Paris a balloon to establish the provisional government at Tours. Of seventy-three balloon that were dispatched from Paris only that was brought down by the Prussian fire. When the French army was reorganized ballooning was included in its tactics and an experimental balloon station and school were established at Chalais-Meudin, near Paris, Captains Renard and Krebs produced there [[cut off]] erostats that could be steered against moderate wind. General De Galliffer, after [[cut off]] minister of war, demonstrated the instance of balloon scouting in the army ma [[cut off]] vers of 1891, in which 100,000 men were opposed to one another enormous service from capt [[cut off]] balloons in their was in Tonkin and the British in the Sudan in 1885.
Blur in Cuba,
In the Spanish American war a captive balloon aided oral Shafter, in front of Santiago de Curi obtaining a correct idea of the enemy But owing to improper manage it also needlessly drew the Spanish upon our lines and was the cause of man casualties that could have been avoided. 
The British carefully trained balloon corps in their as have the French, and captive balloon are used by the former to considerable advantage in the boer war, The German also provided with balloons, some of the more recent dragon or kite type.
The achievement of the Brazilian, Santos Dumont, in the dirigible  balloon are a continuable the work of Renard and Krebs at Augusto Sevens
The "America" at
fantry, taking up a position on a commanding hilltop, if one can be found. The ordinary height to which the balloon goes is 1,000 feet, but cable enough is attached to it to admit of it going twice that distance. If men stand up in the