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1907. June 3 Monday at Baddeck [[strikethrough]] 38 [[/strikethrough]] 38

New Philadelphia
23 Mar. 1907


Berlin, March 23.-A young German engineer has invented a motor which he thinks will go far toward solving the probled of aerial navigation, especially with aeroplanes.

A feature is its extreme lightness. It weighs two-thirds of a kilo

Eco di Bergamo
24 Mar 1907 Bergamo

Per la navigazione aerea.

Versailles, 23. - Santos Dumont ha rinnovato ieri Pesperimento che aveva fatto il giorno prima. Dupo due esperimenti, che hanno dato risultati soddisfacenti, alla terza prova il timone si ruppe e Santos Dumont fu costretto a ritirare il suo apparecchio per farvi le riparazioni necessarie.

Le Momento Lucir 
24 Mar 1907

Importanti esperimenti d'artiglieria sugli aerostati in Germania

Abbiamo per telegr. da Berlino, 23:
(Y.) - Si, annunziano interessanti esperimenti di tiro, che avranno luogo ita poco a Danzica, sotto la direzione della scuola di artiglieria. I tiri saranno effettuati da palloni liberi e da palloni legati del volume di cento metri cubi. Questi ultimi saranno tenuti ad un'altezza di mille metri e legati a battelli, che si troveranno a 4000 metri dalla costa. 

La Commissione aeronautica dell'artiglieria arriverà, fra breve, a Danzica con sei palloni e parecchi ufficiali superiori.

Citizen Brooklyn N.Y
Mar 1907.


one of brightest public women, and hey, a prominent noblewoman, er named from left to right. The day was stormy and wet, women marched. Noble middle class women and the workingmen walked side by 
gh the slush and rain, many anners with mottoes and de ted thereon. This procession ly, but late in the day the etion" of "suffragettes" caused es which taxed the police to . A number of the women furnish bail or pay fines.

Miss Kenny, the subject of one of the other pictures, is the chief of the English "suffragettes" who believe that only by disturbances and raids will the movement for women's suffrage be successful. It does not worry her to be dragged away to jail by a brawny policeman. She glories in the fact that she has been in prison several times. Miss Kenny is an educated young woman of good family who has been carried away by her enthusiasm for "freedom for women." The snapshot was taken the day of the great procession of suffragettes,



a near relative, and shows in connection therewith that a state of destitution exists, that he has to the extent of his opportunities and ability made contributions to the support of such relative, and that these contributions have proved insufficient to relieve the destitution, [[?]] commandant of the Marine Corps, [[?]] in his discretion, remit such part purchase price of discharge as ma[[?]] proper and necessary by reasons inability of the enlisted man to

pcoats and Oyster gray Covert oone twill and fancy weave te Raincoats of satisfaction

lored, made of high standard odels, and are extraordinary

ored Suits, Top Coats an Rain alues up to $20, 15

ew gray effects an silk mix and cheviot; decidedly smart n topcoats and 36 inch body ring coats in new fitted and or velvet collars, in a wide nades. Cravenette Raincoats d.

the dependable fabrics, the models are all characteristic nts.


finished black thibets; tailored cloths makers in America; cut on very newest correct s excel in modern style and

ts $18 to $40

ing Coats and Rain Coats at $25 and $30-are to be had correct models, fabrics and eal men will find satisfaction em are expressed the modern g.

for Young Men

nished cassimeres and black exclusively for young men- ction and unusual value 20 $6

dressy worsteds and all-wool models. because of high-grade gs every garment will hold its n out-would be excel- $8

a's suits at a popular price. extreme models, tailored as cs of unusual quality store feature $10

nirs for the Children

othes for