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1907. June. 3. Monday. at Baddeck 
[[strikethrough]]40[[/strikethrough]] 40

Sports Paris
23 Mar - 1907


L'Italie à la Coupe G.B.

Plusieurs journaux ont dit que la France ait opposée à la participation de l'Italie à la prochaine Coupe Gordon Bennett, à Saint-Louis.

Ainsi présentée, la question n'est pas 

e délai d'engagement de ballons par les erses nations de la Fédération interna ale était expiré depius longtemps, quand lie a décide de faíre une demande. L'A ique ayant cousulté la FAI, se voit dans écessité d'appliquer purement et simple-t le réglement en refusant un engage t tardif.

Italie s'en étonnera d'autant moins que, dernier, e'était la France qui lui refu l'engagement d'un second ballon trop annoncé.

n'y aurait pas de sport possible s'il it pas tenu strietement compte des rè ents qui protègent les intérêts de tou es nations, de tous les clubs et tous hampions.


Commercial Buffalo NY.
23 Mar 1907

The balloon corps, it is likely, will soon become a permanent branch of the United States Army. The men will devote themselves to nothing else, until they become trained and qualified aeronats. It is understood that the names of officers competent to take charge of ballon company, the headquarters which will be at Fort Omaha, Neb., under consideration. Of these the First Lieutenant Frank P. L Sixth Cavalry, is most prominently oned. His exploit in winning the istance race from France to England r the Bennett Cup gives him first place among army ballooners. The service must be introduced, if the army is to keep pace with those of other great weapons of the world.

Gaucia Automobile Paris
23 Mar 1907

Echos et Nouvelles

Samedi dernier l'aéroplane De grange a fait de nouveaux essais, tte fois à Bagatelle. L'engin avait e renforcé dans certaines de ses par s arrière et pesait ainsi trente kilog. plus.

Cinq tentatives furent faites dans la rnée et c'est à la quatrième que, ès un parcours de 80 à 90 m., l'aé lane s'enleva nettement des trois es et franchit ainsi, en plein vol, une aine de mètres, obéissant à une noeuvre à peine perceptible du gou nail avant.

a dernière expérience donna lieu ne envolée très nette, trop vite

nterrompue par l'impru lence de quelques spec ateurs qui mirent mau aise grâce à se ranger.

M.Gabriel Voisin avait édé, pourcette fois, sa lace à bord à son frère,. Charles Voisin, qui nduisit ces essais avec remarquable sang oid.

La foule devenant dé dément trop compacte, ppareil fut démonté rameré chez les cons-cteurs aux ateliers viation des frères isin à Billancourt. Il a transporté au poly ne de Vincennes pou continuation des expé nces.

Francia Auto Mobile Paris
23 Mar 1907


L'aéroplane DELAGRANGE faisant ses essais à Bagatelle (Fig. 254).

Scientific American New York
23 Mar 1907

[[image 2 maps]]

Bennett International Aeronautic Cup Race
The second annual contest will start from St. Louis on October 1[[?]]. This contest is open to all kinds of flying machines as well as to free a[[nd]] dirigible balloons, but the contestants must be entered by a club belonging to the International Aeronautic Federation. Each country must have three representatives. The winner is the balloon of flying machine that covers the longest distance. 
The "Daily Mail" Prize for an Aeroplane Flight from London to Manchester, England, 161 1/2 Miles.
This contest is now open to members of any recognized Aero Club. It is for heavier-than-air machines, preferably aeroplanes.  Contestants must start from a pint within 5 miles of the "Mail's" London office and land within 5 miles of the Manchester office. More complete rules have not been formulated as yet, but it is probable that the contestants will be allowed to stop and replenish fuel. Santos Dumont has offered a gold metal to the winner, J. N. Griffiths a challenge cup, and the Adams Mfg. Co., $10,000 provided the entire machine is made in England. "The Autocar" will give $2,500 more to the winner if a British-built engine is used, "The Car" offered $25 a mile for every mile covered, with a minimum of 25 miles. } $50,000 10,000 2,500 625

The "Matin" Prize for a Flight by Any Type of Aerial Craft from Paris to London, 217 1/2 Miles. 
$20,000 f this prize was given by the Paris "Matin," the balance being made up by three patriotic Frenchmen. This prize will be given to the owner of any airship or flying machine, that, propelled by its own power through the air, reaches London within 24 hours from the time it left Paris, the only condition being that the machine be of French construction throughout. The date set for the start of this race is July 14th, 1908, and the second Sundays in August, September and October following if the prize is not won on that day. Stops for replenishment of fuel will be allowed. The point of arrival will be determined by the dropping of a sandbag within a circle 150 feet in diameter. } $50,000

"Société des Bains de Mer d'Ostend" Prize for a Flight by Any Type of Flying Machine from Paris to Ostend, 186 Miles. 
This contest is open to all, the only condition being that the distance must be covered within 24 hours. Sunday, August 11th, and the Sundays following are the dates set. The Rainart Père & Fils Prize for the First Airplane to fly across the English Channel from Cape Gris-Nez to Dover. } $40,000 2,500
The Henri Deutsch de la Meurthe Prizes and Trophy for Three Flights Around a 124.2-Mile Circuit. 
This trophy is valued at $2,000. $4,000 cash will be given annually to the winner each year. The contest is open to the members of clubs recognized by the International Aeronautic Federation, and the trophy is to be contested for between March 1st and October 31st. It can be won from the holder only by making the circuit at 1/10 higher speed than he made. The third holder of the cup can retain it permanently. } $2,000 (Trophy) $12,000

The Brooklands Automobile Racing Club Prize for a 3-Mile Flight Above the Track. 
This prize is open to all. It will be given to the first heavier-than-air machine that makes a [circuit] of the new Weybridge track at a speed of 10 miles an hour or over and at a height of 40 or 50 feet from the ground. This course is open to experimenters for practice. } $12,500

The Deutsch-Archdeacon Prize for an Aeroplane flight of 1 Kilometer (0.621 mile) in a closed circuit. } $10,000

The Archdeacon Prize for a Flight of 220 Meters (721 3/4 Feet). 
This cup was won by Santos Dumont on November 12th last. It must be won two years in succession in order to be retained. } $600 (Trophy)

The "Daily Mail" Model Aeroplane Competition. 
This competition will be held from the 6th to the 13th of April in the Royal Agricultural Hall, London. The models must not weigh over 50 lbs. complete, and they must fly 50 feet in a straight line with an elevation above the ground at the start of 5 feet. Full particulars can be had from Secretary of the Aero Club, 166 Piccadilly, London, W. 1st Prize, $550 ; 2d, $375 ; 3d, $125. } $1050

"The Car" Prize (Annual) for the Longest Flight Made in England With an Airship or Flying Machine. } $2,500

The Barnum & Bailey Prize for an Aeroplane That Will Fly and Carry a Man. } $10,000

The "Daily Graphie" Prize for a Flight of One Mile. $5,000

The Pepin Prize for a Heavier-tan-Air Machine. Conditions not yet announced. $200

The Lahm Cup. Offered by the Aero Club of America to members of any aero club in the world for longest distance above 400 miles [[?]]ed by balloons or any kind of flying machine in the United States. } $1500 (Trophy)

The Aero Club of America Prize for an Aeroplane Flight. Conditions and prize to be announced later. $100,000

The Frank Hedges Butler Challenge Cup. For the longest distance covered by aeroplanes or balloons starting from [[?]] on some date not yet set. 

David Solomon's Cup for a Heavier-than-Air Machine. 
[[?]]d Howard de Walden Prize for a Heavier-than-Air Machine.

Total $315,475


Transcription Notes:
first, second, and articles are cut off on the left. For easy copy + paste: à â é ê