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1907. June 3. Monday at Baddeck

Eve Post. New York
26 Mar 1907 

Germany's practising with artillery against balloons high up in the air may be preliminary training for the approaching contest with the disarmament cranks in the Hague conference.

Union Advertiser
26 Mar 1907. Rochester. 
Largest Balloon in America.
PHILADELPHIA, March 26.- The largest balloon in America is now being built for the Philadelphia Aero Club, of which A. N. Chandler is president. The balloon which will hold 92,000 cubic feet of gas, will be christened the Ben Franklin, and is expected to be finished in three weeks. The basket will be capable of holding nine persons

Advertiser Newark NJ
26 Mar 1907 
Successful Flight at Perth Amboy Nearly Fifty Years Ago.
At the recent banquet of the Aero Club of America somewhat of a stir was caused when E. B. Bronson, said to be the first man who made a successful flight, related how he had seen plans and documents to show that in 1862 Bartholomew Andrews, an inventor of Perth Amboy, N. J., made a trip of twenty spirals, each a mile and a half in length, in fourteen minutes, at the rate of 130 miles an hour. 
Mr. Bronson declined to make known the motive power used, but said the airship was constructed of three cigar-shaped balloons, eighty feet in length and thirty feet in diameter. He declared those in possession of the plans proposed to build a machine on similar lines.

Union Advertiser Rochester N.Y. 
26 Mar 1907 
Signal Corps Men to Go From Washington to Mississippi Valley.
WASHINGTON, March 26.-A balloon trip from Washington to the Mississippi Valley is being planned by the signal corps. The ascension will be made about May 1st, and provisions will be taken for a three or four day trip.
The balloon will be the largest the signal corps has ever used. Captain Charles De F. Chandler will be in charge of the airship during the voyage. He will be accompanied by George tSevens [[Stevens]] and three signal corps men.

Citizen Brooklyn
26 Mar 1907 
Signal Corps Men Will Fly from Washington to Mississippi Valley Soon.
WASHINGTON, March 26.- A balloon trip from Washington to the Mississippi Valley is being planned by the Signal Corps. The ascension will be made from the gas works here about May 1. Provisions will be taken along for a three or four days' trip. Leo Stevens, a well-known New York aeronaut, is not making the balloon, which will be the largest the Signal Corps has ever used.
Captain Charles de F. Chandler will be in charge of the airship during the voyage. He will be accompanied by Stevens and three Signal Corps men.

Republic St Louis
26 Mar 1907 
Tell us not, ye blase, jaded folk that there is nothing new to the Olympic and be convinced of the error of your conv-[[cut off]]Russel, comedienne, the newest thing of a season now on t-[[cut off]]sing in "The Butterfly." We who knew the comic-opera Lilli-[[cut off]] transformation, and more than surprised over the charm and [[cut off]]-vation at the Olympic last night.
That first-night pest, the old boy whose memory goes ba-[[cut off]] no longer tell you that "grand opera has its Patti and comic sell." The new comedienne's absolutely straight-away acting
Comic-opera devotees must look elsewhere for typical com
The old queen is no more, at least for the present.
"The Butterfly" is something of a satire on divorce. First originality of action and bright, to-the-point lines which clarify Chambers, the author, evidently wrote with a view to fie abundant opportunity to enjoy the fast-developing situations three acts. There are no hidden meaning, no trite speeches spoken word has something to do with the nice plot abo suddenly finds herself with more money than she knows how thinks she wants to buy an English lord for a husband. 
In the second act Betsy realizes that the paint on the pro toy is very thin-so thin, in fact, that the widow can see the sordid soul revealed awakens her to her peril, and she imme [[CUT OFF]] carded husband, a loyal chap, who made the mistake of pern [[CUT OFF]] him, in an effort to break her late husand's arbitrary will. Wh [[CUT OFF]]a musical [[CUT OFF]] is complete.


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Brewer Speeds to Hospital With Boy Run Down by Trolley Car.
Low-Hanging Fender Prevents Lad Being Crushed Under Wheels.
Michael Ryan, 11 years old, of No. 3727 St. Ferdinand Avenue, was struck and dragged for 200 feet beneath the fender of a southbound Grand avenue car Sunday afternoon at the approach of the Grand avenue bridge. The boy was knocked unconscious, and