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1907. June 3 Monday. at Boddeck.

Mar 1907
VENIR DU [[?]]

La navigation aérienne

Le 21 mars, au dìner annuel de l'Aéro-Club d'Am
érique, qui vient d'avoir lieu,[[?]] des convives, M. Edgar Bronson a eté un vif émoi et provoqué un étonnement général en affirmant que le principe de la locomation aérienne et de la diregeabilité des aérostats avait été ré y a près d'un demi-siècle, par un certain docteur Salomon Andrews.
Cet inventeur, qui est parfaitement oublié, avait construit ce qu'il appelait un <>, sorte de bateau aérien, muni d'un gouvernail. Il lâcha son bateau le 8 septembre 1863 à Perth Amboy, Etat de New Jersey, en lui faisant décrire les évolutions qu'il lui plaiseit.
Solomon Andrews

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Jetpiece Philadelphia 49
28 May 1907


Plans are being made by the Aero Club of America to hold a number of ascensions during the next month, and before the middle of April it is probable that one and possibly two attempts will be made for the Lahm Cup. Alan R. Hawley has already paid his entry fee as a cup contestant, and is simply awaiting a favorable time to go to St. Louis and make a trial to beat Lieut. Lahm's 402 mile record, made last year, when he won the international baloon race, starting from Paris and landing on the northeast shore of England. J. C McCoy has also announced his intention of making an early trial for the thophy, [[trophy]] and when he returns from the South he will complete his preparations for the flight.

Cortlandt Field Bishop, President of the Aero Club, of America, will sail for Europe about the middle of next month. He will be away all Summer, and will witness some of the big cup competitions for balloons and aeroplanes in France and England. Mr. Hawley intendes to go over in May to oder a new balloon, and he will make a number of ascensions with some of the leading foreign aeronauts. Mr. Hawley is anxious to make a flight across the English Channel, and he will start on this trip from the headquarters of the Aero Club of Great Britain near London, landing near Paris, if possible.

Mr. Bishop said yesterday that several ascensions would be made at Pittsfield in the near future. Improvements have been made at the gas works and big baloons can now be inflated in a very short time. Pittsfield will continue to be one of the headquarters of the Aero Club of America for balloon ascensions, as its situation offers better oportunities for long flights in any direction than any other side in the East from which ascensions have been attempted.

Herald Newport R.I. 
28 Mae 1907

Chicago paper Interested in Latest Arctic Expedition.
Paris, March 27. - The members of the Wellman-Chicago Record-Herald north pole expedition are completing the preparation of the balloon America and will leave shortly for Tromosoe, Norway, whence they will depart June 1. The balloon or airship 

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Herald Newport R. I.
28 Mar 1907.


The "golah" at Bankipur, India, was built for a granary in 1783, but has never been used for that purpose. It is 426 round at the base, with walls 12 feet and 2 inches in thickness, the interior diameter being 109 feet. It is about 90 feet high and might contain 137,000 tons. Inside is a most wonderful echo, best heard from the center of the building. As a whispering gallery there is perhas no such building in the world, not even the famous Mormon temple.

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special Easter value, 59 c

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Trimmed Hats, in a variety to
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reds of new Easter models for se-
n today and tomorrow, in an infi-
ariety of styles and at every price

Transcription Notes:
French article on left needs to have transcription finished at ///. 12/31/22 French article on left further transcribed and needs to be continued at ///. 1/2/23 BALLOONING section is done. To pole in Balloon is cut off, transcribed as seen.