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1907. June 3 Monday. at Baodeek. [[strikethrough]]50[[/strikethrough]] 50

Press [[?]]
28 Mae 1909

Walter Wellman to Visit America Before He Starts North.

PARIS, March 27. - The members of the Wellman North Pole Expedition are completing the preparation of the balloon America ad will leave soon for Tromsoe, Norway, whence they will depart June 1. The airship has been entirely reconstructed, has new motors and possesses a lifting power of 19,500 pounds.
Walter Wellman, leader of the expedition, will in the meantime pay a visit to the United States. He went on board the Kaiser Wilhelm II. at Cherbourg to-day. Replying to criticism to the effect that his airship had not been tried, Mr. Wellman said that the America was built for Arctic conditions and would undergo thorough trials at Spitzbergen. In the even of these being satisfactory, the expedition would start for the Pole at the end of July or the beginning of August.
MILWAUKEE, March 27. - Major H. B. Hersey, inspector of the Weather Bureau, will sail for Paris on April 3, to assist in the arrangements for the Wellman expedition to the north pole. Major Hersey received a letter from Walter Wellman to-

ay, August 31. The course will be from off Huckleberry island, to and around Cornfield Light vessel, a distance of 130 nautical miles.
The race is for a cup presented by Mr. Thomas Fleming Day. This is the first auxilliary race ever scheduled in American waters, and will probably be largely entered by yachts of that class, of which there are morethan one hundred enrolled in the club fleets of Long Island Sound. The conditions will be issued in a few days by Mr. Myrick, chairman of the Regatta Committee.
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., Wednesday. - Four yachts of the one design class sailed an interesting single-handed race to-day for the Knight Cup. There was a strong southeast breeze and the last leg was to windward. The Osana, handled by her owner, Mr. J. P. greaves, finished first, defeating the second boat 9m. 48s.

45 H.P. Cars in Europe.
Mercedes Palace,
Parts on Hand.
d Canada for C.L. Charley, Paris.

Post Boston 28 Mar 1907
Wellman's New North Pole Airship Can Lift 19,500 Lbs
PARIS, March 27. - The members of the Wellman-chicago Record-Herals North Pole expedition are completing the preparation of the balloon America and will leave shortly for Tromsoe, Norway, whence they will depart June 1.
The balloon, or airship, has been entirely reconstructed, has new motors and possesses a lifting power of 18,500 pounds.
Walter Wellman, leader of the expedition, will in the meantime pay a visit to the United States. He went on board the Kaiser Wilhelm II. at Cherbourg today.
Replyin to criticism to the effect that his airship has not been tried, Mr. Wellman declared that the America was built for Arctic conditions and would undergo thorough trials at Spitzbergen.
In the event of these being satisfactory the expedition will start for the pole at te end of July or the beginning of August.

Globe Democrat St Louis
Mar 28 - 1097
An airship inventor in Baltimore is also deep in a scheme for color photography. This combination may be nothing to an inventor, but the public would prefer one deminstration at a time.

Hoboken Observer, 28 Mar 1907
At Least He Says He Would if He Had His Way to Get Over Trolley Difficulities
Better trolley facilities for the west side of the Greenville section and the necessity for a waiting room at the Jackson avenue station f the Newwark and New York railrod, where the principal matters discussed at last night's meeting of the Seventh Ward, Jersey City, Improvement Association, in the rooms of the Greenville Building and Loan Association, 116 Danfoth avenue, Jersey City. PResident Rueben Simpson presided.
August Bitner had his say about the trolley car service from Jersey City to Greenville on the West Side avenue line, and said that if he had his way he would build conveyances that could travel in the air, so that no obstacles would interfere with his reaching his home at night and business in the morning.
Mr Bittner talked at length on the subject of better trolley service for Greenville, and when he sat down agreed to circulate one of the several petitions demadning the some on the west side of the ward.
Alderman Walter J. Gorman and Henry Grosklaus also spoke on the matter of improving the car schedule to the section. Committee appointed at last meeting to visit Colonel Edwin W. Hine about the matter reported that the colonel was not in his offic when they reached there and were told to call again.
"That is exactly what Colonel Hines will tell you gentlemen when you do see him," declared one of the members. "He will sidetrack you every time; see if he don't."
Improvement of Rose avenue and the beautifying of Bay Side Park, were other matters talked over before the meeting adjourned, and Secretary Mowry was authorized to communicate with the Street and Water Board about the necesity of improving the thoroughfare and breathing spot. A request will be made by the association of the city officials to have signs placed in conspicuous places on street corners, so that strangers in the section can know where they are at and not go out of their way as they have to do at present. Improvers will also ask the Street and Water Board to see that the sewers in the ward are cleaned regularly and