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1907. June 3. Il Cittadino
29 Mar 1907. Geneva.

Disgraziate esperienze
di Santos Dumont

Saint Cyr, 28 (tel.) - Numeroso pubblico assistette nel pomeriggio di ieri alle esperienze aereonatiche fatte da Santos Dumont. - Un primo tentativo di ascensione, fatto alle quattro pomeridiance, fu immediatamente sospeso, perche Santos Dumont aveva involontariamente interrotto la trasmissione della forza motrice: alle 4.30 segui un nuovo tentativo; ma l' ala destra dell'apparecchio urto il suolo nel momento in cui Santos Dumont partiva con una velocita di 60 chilometri all'ora; l'apparecchio si fermo all'istante; i danni erano considerevoli; l'ala destra del timone era in pezzi; il raffreddatore del motore rotto.

Santos Dumont, sospirando, disse: - Il mio aereoplano ha vissuto. Io avevo posto il mio motore sull' aereoplano numeor 1, ma lo reportero martedl da Neuilly; le esperienze potranno essere represe fra una settimana. - 

Eco. di. Bergamo
29 Mar 1907. Berfamo

Disastrose esperienza aeraonaatiche di Santos Dumont.

Saint Cyr, 28. - Un numeroso publico ha assistito nel pomerigg'o di ieri alle esperienze aeronautiche fatte da Santos Dumont. Un primo tentativo di ascensione fatto alle 4 pomeridiane è stato immediatamente interrotto, perchè Santos Dumont aveva involentariamente interrota la trasmissione della forza motrice. Alle 4,30 ha avuto luogo un nuovo tentativo, ma l'ala destra dell'apparecchio ha urtato il suolo nel momento in cui Santos Dumont partiva con una velocità di 60 chilometri all'ora. L'apparecchio si è subito fermato. I danni erano considerevoli. L'ala destra del timone era in pezzi. Il raffreddatore del motore era rotto. Santos Dumont, sospirando, ha detto: Il mio aereoplano ha vissuto. Io avevo posio il mio motore sull'aereoplano.
N. 1, ma lo riporterò martedì da Neuilly, e allora le esperienze potranno essere riprese fra una settimana.

[?]ue Sun- New York
29 Mar-1907

U.S.A. Balloons.

Extensive experiments are to be conducted by the United States Signal Corps at Fort Omaha, Neb., for the purpose of determining the value of balloons, air ships and aeroplanes for military usage, says the Army and Navy Journal. These experiments, which will be of great importance to the army, are to be conducted in accordance with orders to be issued by Brig.-gen. James Allen, chief signal officer of the army. The Signal Corps has recently purchased in France a type of balloon used by the French army, which is to be tested at Fort Omaha in competition with balloons made in this country. A mammoth war balloon is now being made in New York for the Signal Corps and will be sent to Omaha for test. The sum of £10,000 had been appropriated by Congress for conducting the tests and buying the apparatus. - Engineer.

Monday at Baddeck
Ledger Beruiphau Ala.
29 Mar 1907.

Machine That Fli[es]
Dayton, O., March 28.-Would you like to fly?
 Not in a cumbersome balloon, lifted by gas and exposed to thousands of perils, but to fly as the birds fly, with or against the wind, high or low, able to direct your course with certainty and precision, and to land even while speeding at forty miles an hour as gently as an aquatic fowl flutters to the surface of a lake?
 The story of the Wright brothers has been told before, but few realize the tremendous significance of their discoveries.
 In their machines they have made more than 200 flights, and have never met with serious accident.
 The longest flight has been nearly twenty-five miles.
 The longest duration of flight has been about forty minutes.

Port-Cincinnati 0.
30 Mar 1907
Midst the whirr of many elecric [[electric]] sewing machines, the cut and tash of big shears and the rip and ear of thousands of yards of oiled otton, the monster spherical baloon [[balloon]] being built for Norman Kenan s nearing completion.
 Leslie B. Haddock and his wife, osephine M., are the construction bosses." They are professional alloonists [[balloonists]] and balloon builders.
 The balloon will be ready for its rial trip by the first week in May. Haddock, his wife and one or two newspaper men will make the initial trip. Mrs. Haddock was busy marking out a pattern about 90 feet long when the Post man saw ner.
 "The balloon that we are constructing will be one of the finest specimens of air cars ever built. From top to to bottom the bag will measure 85 feet. The basket will hold four people, besides 500 pounds of sand ballast.
 "We take great pride in the construction of the basket, and guarantee that it can fall 5000 feet without smashing. We are going to blow the balloon up in Music Hall or some other large building in order to inspect the bag for possible flaws before the trial trip."
 An airship frame with engine attached is completed. and as soon as the spherical balloon is finished the Haddocks will start work upon the dirigible car, which is also for Kenan.
 The balloon builders are working on the three top floors of the building at 325 Sycamore-st. This balloon will be entered in a series of air races to be held in or near Cincinnati this summer.