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The new aeron
and the first contest for it will be held on Sept-ber 14. The winner will have to defend the trophy annually thereafter, if challenged. The competition is open to all forms of heavier-than-air machines, including airplanes, helicopters, and orthoers, furnished with motors and capable of sustaining at least one person in their flight. All machines of a composite type, carrying a balloon for compensating weight, are excluded.
The contest will not only be decided on the duration of the flight, but also on the distance covered, and the practicability and safety of the machine. Each must, however, cover a distance of at least 350 yards. The machines may start themselves with the help of planes, chutes, or rails, but with no other motive force than their own weight and the help of the motor to be provided.
Israel Ludlow, superintendent of the Aeronauti-cal Bureau of the Exposition, who has not yet en-tirely recovered from the effects of his fall a year ago from his own aeroplane is still optimistic about the future of such machines. He said yes-terday:
Science agrees that aerial locomotion is an actual possibility, although prejudice has, to a certain extent, heretofore retarded its development. Actual experimenting may bring it about, and the indi-vidual who establishes or adds to a fund that it is desired to raise for this purpose may make mem-orable his act and his country.
It is hoped that the example of "The Scientific American" in giving a prize to the winner of this contest will suggest to some wealthy man, whose reputation for gifts to charity is widespread, to respond to the opportunity to add something to the good of humanity, He surely could befriend the entire race by giving something to a fund to be used by the Technical Committee of the Bureau of Aeronautics for experimental purposes, and to re-ward the inventor who offers for exhibition the best and most practical flying machine model, by building a full sized apparatus for him, under his direction and according to his plans.

Sun. Columbus O.
1 Apr-1907.
BALTIMORE, March 31.--Dr. Robert W. Wood, professor of ex-perimental physics in the Johns Hopkins university, and Otto Luyties, a skilful mechanical engineer of Baltimore-more, hope they have solved the prob-lem on aerodynamics upon which Langley failed and which Santos Du-mont has not yet succeeded in un-raveling.
Professor Wood is the successor to the late Professor H. A. Rowland, the inventor of the famous spectroscope grating machine, known to all physi-cians, and the multiple telegraph sys-tem now being introduced in the various cities of Europe.
The type of machine upon which Professor Wood and Mr. Luyties are at work is known as the "helicopter." It is entirety different from the bal-loon type and belongs to what is known as the "heavier than air" class of airships, now attracting the atten-tion of all who are interested in aerial navigation. It belongs properly to the same class with the aeroplane. which was the object of extensive ex-jerment by the late Professor Lang-ley of Washington.
The Langley airship, however, has some drawbacks, the most serious of which is the difficulty of making landings, because of the extreme high rate of horizontal velocity which it is absolutely necessary to keep up in order that the ship may sustain itself in the air.
In the "helicopter" Messrs. Wood and Luyties hope to overcome these disadvantages entirely. In the first place, there is no stationary support-ing surface, such as is required in the aeroplane, which maintains its posi-tion in the air by several pairs of huge wings and the high are of velocity at which it is driven.
The Englishman advocates electric motors, where as Wood and Luyties show this to be impracticable in that such motors are entirely too heavy, weighing 100 to 150 pounds to the horse power. Such being the case, Dr. Wood purposes using the steam engine, modeled after those used in the racing automobiles. 
In the plans is an engine weighing about 900 pounds and capable of gen-erating 100 horse power. This high horse power will be maintained for a few minutes only, as it will soon reduced to 40 or 50 horse power, due to the high grade of pressure.
The ship is to be lifted by the power o fits engine and movement when in the air will be obtained by what is known as the "lifting power of its revolving propellers." These propel-less will be at least 40 feet in diameter and will consist pf light metal frames covered with a light but strong fabric.
Unlike the aeroplane, it can be stopped in midair and still keep its elevation, whereas the aeroplane must descend as soon as all of its motive power is cut off.

2 Apr 1907
Nei locali dell'aero Club in Piccadilly a Londra. per iniziativa dal Daily Mail si è inaugurata una esposizione di modelli di aeroplani la prima del genere che sia stata fatta in Inghilterra. I concorren-ti sono 530 e presentano infiniti modelli per varietà di tipi e per l'adozione di varisistemi di forza motrice. Alcuni sono animati infatti dall'elettricità, al-tri da motori a petrolio. a benzina ad aria compres-sa e così via.
Il premio stabilito per il modello che darà miglio-re price è di 250 sterline.
Questa esposizione  desterà certo un vivissimo in-teresse come preparatoria alla grande prova di aero-plani con 10 mila sterline di premi, che fu indetta dallo stesso giornale per la distanza fra Londra e Manchester.

Gazzetta dell'[[?]]
2 Apr 1907. Bologna
Nei locali dell'Aero Club in Piccadilly a Londra, per iniziativa dal Daily Mail si è inaugurata una esposizione di mo-delli di aeroplani, la prima del genere che sia stata fatta in Inghilterra. I con-correnti sono 500 e presentano infiniti mo-delli par varietà di tipe e per l'adozione di vari sistemi di forza motrice. Alcuni sono animati infatti dall'elettricità, altri da motori a petrolio, a benzina, ad aria compressa e cosi via.
Il premio stabilito per il modello che dara migliore prova è di 250 sterline.
Questa es[pozione desterà certo un vi-vissimo inter

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